Chapter 5 Catching a Killer

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Karyn's POV

I saw Gibbs and the rest of the team and I felt better. But now whole. I felt more whole when Spencer is comforting me, like he's suppose to be there like he completes me. I know it sounds cheesy I would've thought so too but when I'm with him I feel whole and completed.

"So. Did the whole team come to see me be a train wreck? Or did they come to see there favorite person?" After a few hours of hanging out it the room I was in Tony made a joke about how I'm still single.

"I'm waiting for the perfect guy." I say shrugging. 'Like Spencer'.

Tony laughs at my response.

"I have somthing to say to you Dinozzo!" I say glaring at him. I saw the laughter die down.

"When's the wedding? I saw you pop the question at the sweet little café in Downtown. I was at the same one waiting to get a coffee before my interview." I laughed when both Tony and Ziva turned bright red.

"AH HA!" Mcgee and I saw together "I KNEW YOU WHERE TOGETHER!" We both looked at eachother and started laughing.

"TWINS!" Mcgee and I say together again high fiving eachother.

"I swear I work with children." Gibbs says pinching the bridge of his nose.

"We are your children papa Gibbs!" I say rocking back and forth on my heels giggling like a little school girl. "See. Your the dad Gibbs, Ducky is the cool uncle/grandpa with the cool storys, Tony is the annoying older brother, Ziva's the kick ass big sister I want to be, and Timmy Abby and I are the super cool little siblings that never leave you alone." I say mater of factly.

"You know Ducky being uncle/grandpa reminds me of a song..."

"I'M MY OWN GRANDPA!" I sing at the top of my lungs forgetting why I called them here.

"What's 'I'm My Own Grandpa'?" I look up and see Spence with a puzzled expression. 'Can you get any cuter'? I ask myself. "You've not lived until you've heard the song." I say walking over to Spencer reaching into his pants pocket making him turn a bright shade of red.

"Hey Kare? Do you and pretty boy have a thing?" I turn my head and glare at Tony. 'I wish'. I pull out my phone as I did so. I went to YouTube and pulled up 'The Stupids - I'm My Own Grandpa (Tom Arnold)' (A/N this is the e good version)

Now many, many years ago when I was 23

I was married to a widder who was as pretty as could be.

This widder has a grown up daughter who has hair of red

My father fell in love with her and soon the two where wed

This made my dad my son in law and changed my very life

My daughter was my mother because she was my father's wife

To complicate the matter even though it brought me joy

I soon became a father of a bouncing baby boy

My little baby then became a brother in law to dad, and so made me uncle thought it made me very sad

For if he was my uncle that also made him brother to my widders daughter who of course was my step mother.


It sounds funny I know but it really is soooo

I'm my own grandpa.

"Okay that song is weird." Morgan says walking over to the interagation room where almost everyone was now hanging out.

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