Chapter 13 New case.

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(A/N Helloooooo profilers. This case is going to be bad hence the PG-13 rating so be warned. Also the bio of the killer I got off of Wikipedia to do this story just a FYI. Anyway enjoy the story)

Karyns' POV

I woke up with my head tucked into Spencers side and his arms around my torso.

I remembered my nightmare and Spencer coming in and waking me up and comforting me until I fell asleep. I smile at the thought that Spencer woke up just to help me feel safe and chase my nightmares away. I know it my sound childish but that's what it feels like.

I feel the bed move and I look up to see Spencer waking up.

"Morning." Spencer whispered.

"Morning." I lean in and kiss him then we hear someone clearing there throat. Spencer and I both jump but Spencer ended up rolling off the bed with a loud thump and taking the covers with him leaving me cold. I look to glare at who was standing there and notice that it was Rossi and Hotch.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath. "You know there is a door to knock on right?" I ask rubbing the rest of the sleep out of my eyes.

"I know. We just wanted to see why you guys are so late to work. Well, now we know." Rossi said gusturing to us.

"It's not like that." I say fast "I had a nightmare last night and Spencer came in to comfort me and I fell asleep in his arms and I asked him to stay because I don't have nightmares when he's with me a-" I was cut off by Rossi holding up his hands and I swear once again Hotch is trying not to laugh.

"No need to explain." Rossi said looking at us skeptically.

"How late are we?" Reid asks after untangling him self fro mm the sheets and I swear I nearly drooled because of how good he looks without a shirt.

"It's 11:35." Hotch says looking at me abvously looking at a shirtless Spencer.

"Wait. I have a question for Reid." Rossi says looking puzzled. "How come you look like-" Gesturing to Spencers lean form that has a bit of a six pack that makes you drool but not so much that it's just bam right there. "That but look to scrawny?"

"He's not the first person who looks scrawny but no shirt they look really good." The others look at me.

"Uh, and who would else would that be?" Rossi asked clearly amused.

"The autopsie gremlin." I say grinning childishly.

"Who?" Hotch asks

"Jimmy Palmer. He's a assistant M.E. for NCIS." I say in matter-of-fact way. "Wow I am like Dinozzo." I say to my self with a frown. I relize that the blinds are still up and Hotch goes over and pulls them up.

I jump from the bed hissing while I get under the blankets on the floor knocking Spencer over in the process. "The light it burns." I say. I hear laughing and Spencer groaning behind me. I open the blanket enough to see Hotch looking amused and Rossi laughing. "What so funny?" I ask "I'm a creature of the night!" I exclaimed throwing the blanket up a bit but hissing when the sun blinds me and I wrap myself in the blanket again.

This time I hear chuckling coming behind me and wasn't prepared for what came next. The blanket was torn off me and I was splashed with cold water. I scream a girlish scream and jump up. I grab the shirt and pull the shirt in front of me because it's white. I look up and see Garcia.

"Hey! No wet tee-shirt contest!" I say.

"Sorry just had too." Garcia said Laughing.

"You have started a war Garcia. And there will be many people in the cross fire be thankful I wore a tank top or else we would've had to find Brain bleach." I turn around smiling letting everyone know I was joking around. I go over to my bag and grab a suit and go take a shower.

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