Chapter 9 I Love You

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Karyns' POV

I remembered going into a operation room and then passing out then waking up to Spencers voice telling me stories and one I reconized was when Spencer went and played Poker in Vagas with a girl with midnight black hair and bright green eyes and he got beat by her, and the reason I knew that story already was because I was that girl and it was before I became a dancer so I could keep my hotel room.

It went on like this for many days I lost track. I also knew the other team members came a visited me. Hotch came in a told me that I wasn't fired from my job because Gibbs called him and sent a file about me that Karyn me the real me and it told him everything. But it had a note telling him not to talk to anyone until he talked to me.

Well today when Spencer came and started talking to me his voice was small like this story about him hurt him just as bad as the stories of him growing up. As he told me about Tobias Hankle and how he had to chose people to die and had to chose a team member and his addection. I would hear his voice crack with sadness and what I could only guess was regret and discuss in himself for having being addicted to Dilouded.

He stopped and started sobbing because I guess that he never talked about this with his team so this was really hard on him.

I used all my strength I could to give his hand a small squeeze. He finished his story and told me how he's scared that I'm going to hate him. I turned my head and saw him with his head on the bed crying.

"I don't hate you Spence." Spencer looked up and I saw relief wash over his face as he jumped up and kissed me like he never kissed me before.

It was full of love and passion. It tasted of coffee and salt. I could smell his after shave and calongue and his hair was cut where he looked like he should be in a boy band but it makes him all the more cute. I melted at his touch and felt more awake and alive. I glided my tongue agent his mouth and gained entrance and put my hands into his hair and started playing with it. It felt soft and silky. Spencer wrapped his arms around me and I worked on sitting up he helped me and we sat there on my hospital bed making out.

We both heard a cough and Spencer jumped turning around and fell off the bed. Mt cheeks turned bright red as I looked up from Spencer who was turning fire engine red and saw the entire team standing at the doorway.

"H-h-how l-lo-long have you b-b-been standing there?" I asked my studder coming out.

"Long enough to see that Spenc is a better kisser than I thought he'd be." As JJ said that I felt my cheeks get hotter and I could see Spencer getting up and and his face was too getting redder.

"S-s-so the w-wh-whole time th-th-then?" I looked at Spencer and grabbed his arm pullin b him closer and kissed him

"HEY, HEY, HEY. No PDA!" I laughed and so did Spencer. I turn and looked at Morgan and stuck my tongue out at him.

"That's real mature Karr." Morgan said rolling his eyes at me.

"So me sticking my tongue out at you is childish but you." I pointed an accusing finger at him. "Can roll your eyes at me and it's all good? Well I have this to say to you." I stuck my tongue out a blew raspberries at him. The rest of the team laughed and I could've swore I saw Spencer about to fall off the bed laughing.

"Holy crap! Hotch smiles! Someone call the media this has to be put in the press." I joked and everyone laughed harder.

"Okay my lovelies. I know you've come to see the fabulous Karyn and her magic tricks but I need a nurse because getting shot in the chest hurts like a bitch." I say laughing. "And trust me. I've been shot before and stabbed I would rather get stabbed than shot because if your stabbed all you need to do is clean it out with liquor, and then take floss and a needle then stick up." I said shrugging.

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