Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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I finally have a chance to settle down in Virginia. Have a job friends maybe get a boyfriend who'll not try to give you to a crazy stalker who wants you dead because your father fired him.

I arrived at the FBI building late because I thought I put my phone on the charger and I didn't so my phone died in the middle of the night so I got up late.

Crap, crap, crap. I think ought to my self as I ran in showing my badge at the front desk and running up the stairs as fast as my legs can go. I finally reached the BAU level and ran into a brick wall and fell on my butt flinging my papers everywhere and spilling my coffee on my shirt.

"No, no, no. Not today. Of all days it had to be this one?" I groaned because I was so nervous of being fired on my first day of work.

"Miss are you okay?" I look up and see a very well built man that had dark skin brow b eyes and pulled the balled head off well.

"Yes I am. I'm so sorry I should've watched where I was going. I'm late so I had to take the atairs and now I'm not going to be making a very good first impression to my boss or my team mates on the first day because I didn't plug in my phone last night so it died and I did t wake up to my alarm and then my car didn't start tell after a tenth time trying and then I run up the steps and me being my normal clutzy self ran right into you." I say babbling on as I frantically picked up my papers and he was helping me out with it as well so I got do w a so continued on.

After I got it all picked up I asked the man "Uh, do you know where Agent Houtchner's office is? I'm suppose to meet him in the so he can show me my desk." I was now to imbarresed to look up at the man who I spilled coffee on and my self ran into quite literally and dropped my papers while doing it.

"Yeah let me show I work on his team. The names Darek Morgan. But you can call me Morgan everyone else does." He said with a smile.

"K- Trisha Brooks. You can call me Brooks since most teams in either federal, fire fighting, police work everyone calls them by there last name so no one gets confused by names like how two names sound the same so multiple people turn around thinking it's th-" I then cut my self off relizing I was rambling. "Sorry I was rambling again it's something I do sometimes. And also spitting out random facts." We reached a conference room where Agent Houtchner was and he looked at me and I knew with out a shadow of a doubt I was in trouble.

I took a deep brethren in a walked into the room. "I am so sorry I'm late it won't happen again." I say after a take a seat between a very cute looking guy who looked about my age and a blood lady who I think I would be good friends with.

"Good now that everyone's here let's get on with the case. JJ can you tell us what we got?" Agent Houtchner said gesturing to the lady next to me.

"Okay so in the past two months three women have been kidnapped all with Burgundy hair and brown eyes.

Crap! Out of all the hair colors I could've done my hair had to be burgundy. I mentally scowled my self for chosing this hair color.

"They also show signs of sexual assault and they where killed by aphexeation. (strangled) There body's where dumped the day before another girl was taken." As I listened I observed the room and everyone's emotions and reactions. I could see that Agent Houtchner had a very stern look to him like he hardly every smiles or laughed.

Another blonde women was in the room and she was wearing a fucia pink shirt with purple lipstick and pink eye shadow and had pink earings.

Another gentalmen who I reconized after a bit as David Rossi one if my favorite authors. His books kept me from giving up and going crazy because if my stalker.

Morgan who I ran into in the hall had a poker face on so I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

The kid I sat next two looked like he was deep in thought like he was examining everything in the case.

And then there was the lady who I guess was JJ who was looking professional so I to couldn't tell anything about her.

I came back just enough to hear the rest.

"So these women where kidnapped tortured then killed six days after they where kidnapped? And yet the only thing they had in commen was there hair and eyes." I decided to cut in

"Maybe the unsub had a mom, aunt or a girlfriend who cheated on him so girls with burgundy hair and brown eyes are his trigger." As I finish everyone's looking at me.

"What? Also if you look at the photos-" I stand up so I can see "-These marks on there forearms are from the back so I think where dealing with two suspects instead of one, and the way these victims marks on there neck means that he likes to be dominate so he takes away the control then add yet six days kills her." I say and everyone's still looking at me and the kid who I was sitting next to had his mouth open like he was shot ked by what I said.

"Uh, that's all I got from the photos. So, uh... Yeah. I'm going to sit down now." But instead of sitting down like a normal person and getting on the chair my smart look went down the drain as well as my dignity. I missed the chair and fell on my ass making a fool of my self.

The aweater I pulled over myself to hide the stain on my shirt fell off so I was just there sitting on the floor with a sore butt and a coffee stained shirt.

"Are you okay?" The kid asked me while sticking a hand out to help me up.

"I'm fine not the first tines that's happen." I say shrugging it off.

"Okay wheels up I'm twenty." Agent Houtchner said as he left the room.

☆My first chapter hope you like it.☆

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