Chapter 15 Surprises pt-2

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Spencers POV

I was putting groceries away when I heard Karyn breath out and said with shock and fear in her voice

"Oh god." I went over and leaned against the wall of the kitchen.

"What's wrong Karyn?" I asked.

"My dad isn't my biological father." I heard her choke on her words and I could see that she's trying not to cry.

"Who is?" I ask rushing over to her side. I see who it is and am in shock at what I see on the computer screen. My jaw drops to a 'O' and I look at Karyn

"Your father is Rossi." I stated more than questioned.

"DNA doesn't lie." Karyn started typing fast on her computer. "My mom was a teenager and in a relationship with Rossi when they broke up, then it says here that she found out she was pregnant a month four days later. Had the baby and gave it up for adobtion. Babies name was

Karyn Mary Rossi

Mom: Annabeth Anderson

Dad: David Rossi

Birthdate: December 25th 1988

"I was adopted when I was almost a year old after Catherine Netherfield had a miscarage caused by a disorder that enabled her to have children." Karyn had tears running down her face that where at once just single tears but where now rushing down.

"After a while her disorder led her to despression and-" I saw Karyn go pale and look at me and hugged me.

"And what?" Karyn nodded her head towards her computer and I looked at it and my heart dropped in my stomach and I thought I was going to puke

"Skizofrenia." I swallowed the lump that was threatening to form in my throat and got up.

"Come on. Let's go over to Rossi's the team is getting together for dinner."

(I know this is not the right episode but I really liked this part so I thought I would add it into the book. Sorry if I upset anyone)

~~~~~~At Rossi's~~~~~~

Karyn's POV

"I don't think I can do this Spencer." I whisper nervousely as we both walk up to my dads door. I could hear music playing inside and it made me feel happy but I was still nervous about seeing Rossi after I found out he was my dad. I could also hear talking coming from one of the open windows.

"As you can see the edges are chrisp."

"But be careful not to burn the onions."

"Pravo Aaron!"

I couldn't hear what was said next because Spencer was chuckling next to me as he reached over and rung the doorbell. I heared a noise saying that one of the people did somthing that he didn't like. (Like touch the food before he was done)

Morgan comes and opens the door and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"And if you don't feel you're self doing it properly, please. Order a pizza." Spencer and I walked in behind Morgan but I was walking a little behind.

"Sorry we're late." Spencer said.

"Yeah, and this is why I cook alone." I couldn't help but smile at my dad's one-liner. I could see Hotch smileing, like a true genuine smile that I've never seen before.

"So, uh. When do we get to drink the wine?" Emily asks.

"Almost there." My dad says looking down at the pan in front of him. "Okay. We start at the beginning." My dad started looking at all of us. "You eat what you cook. I'll supervise. But we're going to do this all together. Just like a family."

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