Chapter 6 - Isn't it Lovely?

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Little bit of smut. Teehee. Just gon tease...

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- Third Person -

Louis was blissfully oblivious to the fact his real boyfriend was pacing his office as he sat here, next to Edward as he drove to the location. Louis appreciated the fact that Harry took time off work for him, made him feel important in the man's life, just like his company.

"Where are we going Haz?" Louis questioned, bright-eyed as always as he looked over to Edward. The man's attention focused on the road, one hand on the steering wheel and another on Louis's thigh. Edward wouldn't lie, the silence was nice because hearing his brothers name would just annoy him.

"It's a secret princess, somewhere I am sure you have never been too before." Edward smirked lightly, he knew his brother. Harry would tend to take Louis on romantic but not as exciting dates, whilst, Edward would move to impress. Harry would do dinner in a nice restaurant. Edward would do dinner on a private yacht.

"That's so mean Haz. How dare you?" Louis tried his best to suppress a giggle but it ended up coming out anyway. Edward couldn't help but chuckle and simply shake his head at the boy sitting next to him. He knew why his brother fell for the small boy, he was sweet, kind and pure. 

Edward was still intent on taking what his brother had. Harry was always the favourite twin with everything. Edward knew how to give payback in the most sinister kind of way. The un-tainted blue-eyed boy may just get a shock when he realises what is coming for him. If he realises. For instances, Louis did note that 'Harry' was not just listening to the regular pop station on the radio, but had opted to connect his own phone and play some rock, pop punk and genres along those lines. He ignored it. 

"We have to walk a little princess, hope that is okay." Edward hummed as he let himself out of the car, moving over and opening the door for Louis before he could. Louis was confused because all he could see was rocks. He smiled none the less, but, not even noting how Harry would never do dates in the outdoors like this. 

"It's fine Harry. I'm just confused, there is nothing here?" He raised an eyebrow, the only response he received from the taller male was a cheeky smirk as he placed his hand on Louis's lower back and began to lead the way to their destination. 

Louis was definitely confused, Harry was usually not this adventurous with the wilderness. Considering, Edward was leading him through rocks and shrubs, and eventually down a dim lit cave. Edward had ensured the area was cleared so Louis wouldn't trip, convincing himself Harry is chivalrous like that. Louis loved it none the less though, he just enjoyed having his boyfriends attention. None the wiser that he still was getting another mans attention. Edward both loved the smaller boys innocence and hated having to play his brother.

"Just through here princess..." Edward trailed off as he led Louis into the opening of the cave. Louis lips parting lightly as he saw the scenery, eyes shining with happiness with all the thought and effort that had been put in for him. He truly felt loved. Unaware, this wasn't actually love. Rather desire. Isn't that tragic?

( picture it day time outside and with some more fairy lights )

( picture it day time outside and with some more fairy lights )

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"This is beautiful Harry. Thank you!" The boy squealed, turning towards Edward and moving to his tip toes to kiss the man deeply. A smirk being concealed by the green-eyed male as he kissed back with slightly more hunger and want than passion. Poor innocent Louis, he was just a sucker for being spoilt. The warning sides faded.

"So hot princess..." Edward mumbled as they kissed, picking the boy up by his thighs, ensuring their lips stay locked. Louis squeaked lightly but wrapped his arms around Edwards neck. As soon as Louis parted his lips, Edwards tongue moved in, swiping around and tasting as much of the boy as he could.

"H-Harry..." Louis couldn't help but whimper, his body pressed up firmly against Edwards as the older mans hands moved up his thighs. Within seconds he was being pressed up against one of the walls. Louis didn't even care if the rocks weren't that comfortable. 'Harry' was making him feel really good.

"Call me Master." Edward breathed out, using one arm to keep Louis up as the other snaked under the skirt. Edward pulled away lightly as he admired the boys hairless thighs. Edward ran his fingers over the fabric underneath, the lace sinful but so fitting. Raising the skirt lightly he noticed how it hugged the boys small cock.

"Master... I-I..." Louis didn't even know what to say, the way 'Harry' was staring at him was really turning him on. He didn't mind calling the man Master, deep down he thought it was attractive. Louis couldn't help it when his hips moved to press up against he mans hand.

"So eager for me, bit naughty princess." Edward teased, voice deep and low. He smirked more before removing his hand away and set the small boy whine. The way Louis whined when being denied what he wanted was amusing to Ed. He wanted to have that happen more often, have Louis under his control. In his own mind, he thought he could get Louis under his control enough to favour him over his twin one day. 

"Come on princess, stop pouting." Ed dragged his thumb across Louis's bottom lip, watching as the innocent boy tried to suck on it. Of course Edward wanted to go further but he wanted to drag Louis in slowly, intoxicate him and have him drown for him.

"I'm sorry. Can we go eat, please?" Even though he wanted Ed, he was actually hungry. Louis had no idea what came over him but the way 'Harry' touched him was so enticing all of a sudden. He couldn't help but adore it. 

"Of course we can my princess." Edward couldn't stop smirking, grabbing Louis's hand and leading him to the take a seat, pulling a chair out for the boy and tucking him in under the table. He lifted up the silver domes to reveal fresh fish and salad. This was a more expensive and upgraded picnic than Louis had expected. He loved it none the less. 

"So, tell me some things I don't already know about you Louis." Edward smiled as he looked towards the smaller boy who seemed very happy at this moment. The sunshine lit up the darker shades of green in Eds eyes, if only Louis had noticed. He may not have sunk further into the dark hole he was falling into. 

Edward listened intently to everything, not because he actually cared, but, because he wanted to know everything about the boy so it would be easier to win him over. Stealing him from Harry's grasp. Edward would show Harry why he was better than him, despite everyones opinions. Edward knew he would win. 


I was thinking next chapter could be a little flashback episode to reveal why Edward really hates Harry.


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