Chapter 21 - A Chemical Reaction

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- Third Person -

Louis kept the gun held high as Edward fell to the floor next to his brother. Harry was taken back by what just happened, but, he could barely move and function. Where he stood in his life right now was something he didn't know.

"Fuck!" Edward grunted loudly, eyes squeezed shut as he moved his hand over the wound.

"Shut up!" Louis belted back, his shot had gone straight into Edward's thigh. Making him unable to stand and forcing him to be at the same level as Harry. He had been brought to his knees, literally, by the monster he had created. 

"You... you did this. You tricked me!" Louis choked out as he stared at Edward, tears forming in his eyes. His mind was screaming at him and he had to take a couple of steps back to try and calm himself down. The black spots in his vision were not a good sign and he had to will them away.

The darkness that had consumed Louis had been revealed, Louis could see the sinister person he had become. The memories of everything he had done and experienced all coming through. Those pills couldn't stop Louis from remembering everything, all the manipulation and tragedy he had been put through.

"You're evil." He whimpered out, eyeing Edward down. He felt sick, he had slept with this man, multiple times and professed his love and emotions to him. Edward was more than a monster in Louis's eyes, he was a vile creature Louis believed deserved a spot right next to the devil himself.

Louis had to squeeze his eyes shut, choking out a sob before opening them again. His vision had gone slightly fuzzy from how overwhelmed he was. He was willing to swallow down the panic attack, this was not the time to give over control. His body shaking and he could no longer stand in a frozen state and began to pace the room. His existence was no longer as a lifeless doll Edward had tried to make him.

"I can't believe you, you, said such sick things to me in bed. You made me believe I had to kill all these people for you. Well, not you, Harry. I remember those eyes, your eyes, it was you for so long before we ever even ended up in this house. You... you made me believe you were Harry! And you aren't!" Louis ranted out, his cheeks becoming puffy from the tears streaming down them. Louis choked some sobs down as he thought about the times he had seen dark green eyes and then could also see light green ones on the same day. 

He whimpered as he looked at the pair before coming to some kind of realisation. " You aren't Harry... Harry."

Louis sniffled and kept the gun tight in his hand before moving to kneel in front of Harry, he moved his hand out to touch the man before he retracted it again. He took a sharp breath in. "You let him in-into our lives... he w-was here, you knew. Didn't you?'

"Y-Yes." Harry's voice was only just audible enough for the frantic boy to hear. Harry felt a pang in his chest, because, as much as he felt disgusted in seeing who Louis had become, he had blame for that. He had let Edward into their lives despite knowing what kind of man he was, the truth would have been better. He knew that now.

"How could you? You let me kiss him?! Be around him, and you knew?! Now, look... look at this! This mess!" Louis stood back up, his hand over his mouth as he continued to cry. His makeup was ruined and his hair was messy. Louis had to tear his eyes away from the two. "Look what you did to me... I'm a monster."

Harry wanted to say more, he really did, but, he just couldn't. His body lacked any ability to allow him to communicate. His energy had been stripped of him a while ago. Unfortunately, his twin still could. "Maybe I forced you to kill Niall. But, I didn't hold a gun to your head and make you kill everyone after that. You had a choice, you made yours."

Edward was still trying to manipulate Louis, deflecting the situation off of him. He also needed Louis to face him, because, he had been able to secretly contact Zayn for help. 

"Shut up Edward! I'm not talking to you... you still made me feel like it was the only choice. I'm a killer. I've killed so many people." Louis cried out as he looked to Edward, a broken shell of a boy in front of them. "You took away my sanity... you stole my soul from me."

Unfortunately, Louis's expression of his trauma had distracted him from hearing the footsteps of the man behind him. Zayn. Harry wanted to warn him but he felt like he was being weighed down, it was too late anyway. Zayn had knocked Louis over the head and the distressed boy fell to the ground with a loud thump.

"Finally, I'm going to bleed out and I'm sure he was one more tyrant away from putting another bullet through my body," Edward grunted, using the couch to hoist himself up. "Cuff him to one of the beds in the guest room and make sure there are no hidden weapons in there."

Edward gave his instructions before limping into the kitchen to fix up his wound, allowing Zayn to take care of Louis. Edward was annoyed he got shot, he really was, and usually, he would ensure the pain was reciprocated and that whoever even dared to hurt him would suffer. But this was Louis.

Well, Louis seemed to be the twins kind of kryptonite. 


Bit of a shorter chapter, I know :)

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