Chapter 13 - An Eclipse

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I just wrote one another chapter coming up and that one got me so excited. So i thought I may as well double update todayyyy.

Enjoy xx

- Third Person -


Harry and Edward were about seven years old and it was their mothers birthday. Both were quite eager really. They did both adore their mother. Both would try so hard to impress the women, they really did.

The family were around the lounge room. Anne opening presents from all her friends and relatives first, before she focused on the one's gifted from her close family. Without saying it, there was a certain expectation in this family that expensive gifts were expected. They really were. Everything designer, important or custom made. Whatever the highest price was, a member of the Styles was expected to be given or to give something of high quality.

"Oh my love, thank you. I can't wait to visit this place with you and the boys." She pecked her husband on the lips as she looked down at the photograph of the small island that she had been gifted. Anne wasn't born into the Styles family, she married into it and this gave her some sense of entitlement over the past years which were not always there.

"Now, who's next? Harry or Edward? Or we could do both at the same time, hm? Show me your presents boys." She turned to face her sons an expectant smile on her face as both shuffled forward.

During their childhood, Harry had always been more charismatic. Edward was shyer, his confidence level did not have ever really gotten a chance to grow when there was Harry who always seemed to be on 100. It made it hard for the boy to find his own footing and ability to talk to others and even to attempt to impress his parents. He felt like there was never a chance, because, there was Harry.

"Here, mum!" Harry beamed and opened his box, giggling as he looked towards his mother. "It's the necklace you said you liked on Mrs Mclean." He grinned and only a fool wouldn't be able to tell Harry had stolen this. It wasn't in the custom made box such a necklace would come in. "She didn't deserve it, but you do."

"I made you a necklace..." Edward frowned and opened his own box, it was clear the boy had made it really. Any other mother would appreciate any gift from a seven-year-old, not like they had much access to their own money to purchase anything. "You shouldn't steal Harry, that's not good."

"Edward." Anne addressed first, shaking her head and pushing the box out of his hands before moving to take the necklace out of Harry's with a smile. "Put it on me, darling." With quick movements, the twin's father did just that. Both adults not batting an eyelash at the origin of the necklace.

"But, mum... he stole it." Edward's shoulders slumped, quickly moving to put his homemade necklace in his box and pull it closer to his chest. Little Edward could not understand how such an act would be accepted. He had tried hard on the necklace he made and he was really proud of it too. The stinging in his chest didn't disappear as Harry was praised by their parents for the gift.

"Edward. I'm disappointed. Go to your room, you won't be joining us for dessert tonight. Maybe next year you'll do better." Anne huffed, barely sparing a glance his way before going back to the others. Harry was a shining light really, proud that he managed to make his mother so happy. He didn't even notice the way Edward was being treated by their parents.

Edward sniffled and quickly left the room, moving to his own room, sliding down the door as soon as he was inside. Something broke in him that night. It had been building up, but, as young as seven he knew something had to change. So he would change.

He was just following his big brother's example after all.


It was a year later, the twins were eight years old now at their mothers birthday. The same setup, with the four of them all surrounding the room. Edward was ready this time. He was sure he was going to make his parents proud. Mainly his mother, he would not disappoint anymore.

The past year, Edward had been consistent in trying to outdo Harry in every area. In sport, in class, with their friends and around their family. A burning in him was happening, especially when people still chose or favoured Harry. He couldn't understand what he was doing wrong.

"Well, my beautiful boys. What is it you have for me today?" She turned herself to face the twins, as before Harry shuffled forward first, an eager smile on his face as he looked to his mother. Harry lavished in all the praise he ever received, growing into a man no one could dislike. Except for Edward, of course.

"Mum! I found more shoes for your collection. You were right, Mrs Davenport doesn't need them. She can't wear them anymore anyway." He pulled out the large box and showed them all. He had managed to take them during his playdates with the woman's son. Mrs Davenport knew a few designers and let's just say, Anne was jealous of that.

"Thank you Harry. I love them." She kissed her son on the top of the head before turning to Edward, raising an eyebrow when not seeing him holding anything. "And you, son? What is your gift to your mother on her birthday?"

"I'll be right back." He hummed and walked out of the room, he wasn't as confident as Harry yet. He could still be timid but he was beginning to become more sure of himself. So as he dragged a duffle bag into the room, a bright smile on his face. This was the moment he was going to please his mother. "Well, mum, you always complain that Dad pays to much attention to Elizabeth, instead of you. So... i brought you her body."

As he unzipped the bag, there she was, Elizabeth was lifeless with dried up blood sticking to her forehead, no doubt from where Edward had knocked her out before he stabbed her in the chest. Anne let out a scream, and his father gasped before quickly zipping the bag back up. Both parents shaken from what they had just seen. "Edward! What have you done?! You stupid child."

"I did this for you mum... I thought it would make you happy? She can't hurt you anymore. What... what's wrong?" Edward stood there with a frown on his face as he looked at his parents. His mind racing with what could possibly be wrong. He just wanted to please his mother after all. He figured if Harry could do something bad. Well so could he, right?

"No! How could you possibly think this would make me happy? Go to you room. Now! Oh my god!" She belted out, her voice shaken as she forced herself to look away from the body bag lying in the middle of the living room.

"But? But..." Edward screamed himself before he stormed up to his room, slamming the bedroom door shut and letting out another loud scream. One you think could shake the house. The boy felt broken as he burst into tears.

Edward didn't feel good enough. He didn't know why Harry still was good enough and he wasn't.

Edward didn't know what else to do. So he sat there for days, suffering in his own silence. No one came to talk or chat with him. He was being ignored. The problem people rather just forget about.

Ooo maybe Harry hasn't always been the good boy.

They are twins after all... 😏😏😏

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