Chapter 1 - Split

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- Third Person - Early on in the Day -

"Good morning." Harry hummed as he greeted Liam his assistant/secretary, being polite to all his staff, slightly confused when they look at him with furrowed eyebrows before making his way into his top floor office in which covers the entire floor, only to be caught off guard when he sees Edward perched up in his office chair. "Edward?"

"Well hello dear brother. Quite the office you have here." In contrast to Harry's smooth voice, Edwards was more rough when he spoke. A smirk played on his lips as he stared at his baffled brother. He stood up and approached Harry, holding out a hand to shake. "Long time no see then. Looks like we even picked the same haircut. Same tastes in outfits, however, yours are a bit more colourful. Yeah, let's go with that. Colourful."

Harry watched the man, still not believing he was here. He had never expected to see his brother today, especially after so long. It was crazy to him, it was like looking in a mirror but he could see the differences in their appearances, even if they were only slight. Pushing away the hand he hugged his brother tightly. "Oh my god Edward. For fucks sake, I missed you. Where the shit have you been? What have you been doing?"

Edward groaned at the sudden physical contact but sighed and hugged his brother back, a small part of him missing being this close with his brother. It was short lived though for both boys as Edward pulled himself away and moved to sit on the desk. The smirk returning to his face as he stared at his brother. "I've been busy, building an empire of course. It's difficult to build a successful underground world."

"You need a more suitable job Ed. That will get you killed." Harry shakes his head and puts his things down, annoyed look on his face as he stares at his brother. "I was hoping the time you were gone, you would've been using it to start a new life. A more beneficial life"

"Shove off Harold. What I do with my life is not important. I am happy and enjoy my lifestyle. At least I'm not stuck in a damn office all day, doing boring paperwork. I get to have fun, feel an adrenaline rush all the time." Edward grins as he watches Harry roll his eyes, well aware he wasn't pleased with the answer.

"Its not boring. I have a legitimate business and investments and a dynasty to create. My job isn't merciless killing and dealing with drugs and weapons. I have the will power to end others reputation with the snap of my fingers, can have anything I want in the world and I can go anywhere I want in the world." Both boys are scowling after Harry's response.

"I don't do merciless kills alright? I would never kill the innocent, I kill those that deserve it." Edwards huffs out, becoming agitated with his brothers dismissal of his occupation and lifestyle choice. "I enjoy my life alright? Stop shitting on what I have and enjoy. You were always given everything and you have everything. I have what I want and need."

Edward almost slipped up as he thought about mentioning the fact that Harry might lose part of his everything soon enough but decided to keep his mouth shut. He didn't want his brother becoming suspicious that his boy may not be his for much longer. "lets just drop this."

"Agreed. I have a question though, how did you get into my building and into my office?" Harry questioned, knowing it was best to change the subject. From memory, a riled up Edward is not an Edward he wishes to encounter again, especially since he seemed to have gotten stronger than himself.

"I look like you remember? It isn't difficult. I waltzed in easily because as I recall, no one knows I exist."

"Oh right." Harry sighed knowing his workers obviously wouldn't be able to spot any differences in their appearances. Edward was broader, Harry had lighter eyes, Edward's jaw was more defined and in reality, Harry looked better groomed than Edward did. "You very well know you did that to yourself. If you came out of hiding it would be a shock and the press would lose their damn marbles to get pictures of us together."

"I was never much to be in the spotlight. It's more interesting to exist behind the scenes. Especially for me." Edward smiles, turning his body and grabbing the picture frame on Harry's desk. "Is this your new boy? Louis?"

Harry sighed and moves over to his brother and nods head. "Yes, that is Louis. In fact if you stay a bit longer you can meet him. He brings me breakfast or a big lunch everyday. He insists on walking here, even though I try and persuade him to be chauffeured. He is too independent to listen to me."

Edward eyed his brother, hearing the fondness in his voice when he spoke about the small boy. He envied that, he wanted that connection and he wasn't going to let Harry get in his way of getting it. In all honesty, they had always had the same type. Made it difficult sometimes but he knew that this boy was going to be his.

"I have to leave Harry unfortunately but you'll be seeing more of me." With that Edward quickly left, leaving a confused Harry behind.

- Louis - Beginning of day

Today was a good day, most days recently have been good days. I spend them with my loving boyfriend Harry Styles and I live a perfect life. I am so grateful that he gives me so much, much more than I need. He spoils me even when I tell him to stop. It makes me happy though, knowing he cares about me to constantly think about my needs and wants and go beyond that. Overall, he makes me feel special and I love him.

"Caleb? Did Harry eat breakfast this morning?" Curiosity fills my voice as I enter the kitchen, Caleb was Harry's chef and he was lovely. I always ask him but I already know the answer. Harry forgets to eat breakfast in the morning, so majority of the time I'll bring him some or I'll bring him a big lunch.

"He didn't Lou. Would you like me to make something for you to bring him at work?" I simply shake my head and mumble a thank you before grabbing my shoes and leaving. There is a cute cafe we like that's close to his building, I'm sure he'd love some warm food right now, I know I would. Sometimes it makes me sad he isn't there in the morning when I wake up but he always writes me a good morning note that swells my heart.

Good morning sunshine,

I hope you got your beauty sleep and had wonderful dreams. Unfortunately I had to go to work this beautiful day but can not wait to see your radiant blue eyes later. Always morning cuddles and kisses.

- Love H xx

Harry didn't know but I keep every note and store them in a secret box in the cupboard. I like to think of them as cute little treasured memories. I cherish this man dearly, we met by accident a this restaurant. I was leaving this place with my friend Niall and he was entering and I accidentally ran into him and dropped my doggie bag with the food in it on the ground. Initially I was upset until his rich voice told me 'Don't worry darling, I'll get you some more. Don't be upset.' it made my heart melt and to my surprise and Niall's he owned the damn restaurant. I felt slightly embarrassed to have run into him but he was so kind to me and kept giving me compliments that I am pretty sure I was already in love with him in that moment. Our relationship blossomed from there as he brought me out of my shared apartment with Niall and into his luxurious life, of course I give Niall things, Harry gives me way to much and I never forget my best friend.

"Harry?" My eyebrows furrow when I see him walking in my direction and away from his building. He seemed to be wearing a black suit, he never wore suits like that. I can't help but admit it is a nice change. I think he can just pull off suits.

"Oh Louis? Hi little one, would you like to grab some breakfast with me? I have some spare time." Harry put on his charming smile and of course I couldn't say no, simply grabbing his hand and leading him to the cafe. 

"Little one? That's a new nickname." A small giggle leaves my lips as we make our way into the cafe, moving to our regular seats when we come here. It was seemingly all the same but Harry ordered a different meal to his usual one. Opting for pancakes instead of a bacon egg roll. "Today is a day for change then?"

"Yes it is little one. A lot of changes will be coming your way soon." His voice sounded rougher but I continued to smile, I was always excited for Harry's surprises and I'm sure whatever he is attempting to hint at would be great. 

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