Chapter 10 - Blissful Ignorance

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- Third Person -

When Louis woke up he noticed he wasn't covered in the silk black sheets he had been made practically, incoherent and conscious in. He didn't mind though because he was met with the softness of the slightly gold intent blankets of his home's sheets. He wondered why he was moved though, without the intoxication of Edward here, his mind definitely could see clearer. Noticing the absence of his boyfriend became apparent quite quickly.

"Harry...?" He slowly got up out of the bed, his legs shaky and his butt sore as he stood up. He was dressed in a pair of white panties. It did make him shiver because Harry usually added one of his shirts or sweaters to make sure Louis stayed warm. It was quite apparent why Edward made sure Louis would not be covered up though. 

As Louis passed the floor to ceiling mirror in the walk-in-robe to retrieve an item of Harry's, he noticed the number of bruises littering his neck and chest, even the faint outline of handprints on his hips. His cheeks got quite rosy as he looked them over, a giddy feeling forming in his body. He could not help it. He liked the sight. He felt claimed.

Louis had a brief thought of if anyone else ever felt this way, did others want to feel they were at the will of their significant other? To give their own power up? Louis really didn't know. He loved his independence, he really did, but recently, he couldn't help himself when he followed the orders of the man he loved aimlessly.

He took his time in pulling the shirt on and fixing his hair up. He searched for a note or even a message from Harry to let him know where he was, but, he could not find one. He simply figured work really needed him back and he had not gotten the chance to let Louis know that. Louis happily brushed that off though.

Let's just say he had felt slightly deprived before. Of something, he was not aware he ever craved. He got his fill and now he felt satisfied.

- Flashback time-

Louis was waiting in line at the Baby Co cafe, he had a small smile on his face. A small white tennis skirt hugging his lower body and a loose mint green jumper tucked in over top. He had a matching white beanie on, with white shoes and mint green socks. Louis felt really cute.

Harry walked in shortly after, fists clenching and unclenching as he saw there was a line to get a coffee. The man really needed it. He had taken a small break from work because meeting after meeting was making the man almost go insane. Sometimes he felt like no one showed up prepared for anything. He really hated when people weren't prepared.

Harry, now he was wearing a deep green blazer and matching dress pants like he was on purpose trying to match his eye colour. Which, in his mind, he probably was. He was quite a fan of fashion. A light white button-up underneath which he had managed to mess up and untuck from his pants on the way to the coffee shop. He just needed to breathe. He told himself. Who cares who sees the Harry Styles in less than a well-kept way. 

Without much thought, he tapped the girl in front of him. "Excuse me? Ms, may I cut in front of you. As I'm sure you are aware, I do have places to be and can not wait around." Maybe Harry could certainly get a bit cocky, it's not that he cared if people knew who he was or was not. He just expected everyone to know who he was really. He was America's most eligible bachelor. 

So, when, a boy, and not a girl turned around to face him. It was when blue met green. 

The moment surpassed quite quickly because Louis could not help the giggle that left his lips. "No, Sir. You can not cut in front of me. I want my caramel frappuccino and banana bread. Also, I'm a boy.  So maybe you do need coffee more than me. However, I'm sure wherever you have to be can wait. Patience is a virtue you know." Louis shook his head and turned to face the front again, taking a step forward again. 

Harry bit his lip once the small boy turned back around, he stood a little stunned at the boy's words. Firstly, he was not expecting him to be a boy and secondly, he was not expecting his voice to sound like silk and thirdly he was not expecting to like such a shade of blue he had sworn he had not seen before.

Harry cleared his throat and stepped forward, straightening himself up, and if people saw that he was quickly fixing his hair and his shirt. Well, he hoped they knew better and mind their own business. He could not lie. he had become taken back by the feathered hair boy. He tapped the boy on the shoulder and cleared his throat again. Waiting for him to turn around again.

"I'm-um sorry... sorry. I should not have called you a girl or rudely asked you to let me cut in. I apologise." Not many people could make Harry stumble over his words, yet, here he was, doing so for a boy a foot shorter than him.

"That's okay. I know we can all get grumpy sometimes, especially when we need our coffee." Louis smiled brightly and turned back around, twiddling with his fingers in front of him. He couldn't admit it, but the man who had interrupted him was making butterflies promptly form in his stomach. 

"How about I pay for your stuff. To make up for my impoliteness? It's the least I could do really." Louis bit his lip as he thought, he disliked when people paid for things he knew he could pay for. However, he knew rejecting the man would mean he probably would not be able to continue to talk to the handsome stranger.

"Okay. I think that's fair." He giggled and turned around, sticking his hand out for the man to shake. No, Louis did not know who Harry was. That was clear now. Which, was kind of refreshing for Harry. No set expectations. "I'm Louis Tomlinson."

"It's nice to meet you, Louis. I'm Harry Styles." He shook the boy's dainty hand, smiling to himself at how perfect it felt against his own skin, giving it a light squeeze.

This moment that the two shared, was one they both replayed in their minds quite often. It was a perfect beginning to their love story.

-Return to normal time-

Louis was in the kitchen, cooking himself and Harry dinner. He hadn't heard from the man all day, and sure, it did sadden him slightly but he knew the man would return for dinner. He loved that his partner loved to eat. Even if he had to reheat their dinners, it was okay, as long as he got to see the man he could not get out of his mind all day. 

"Precious? I'm home!" A voice called out and Louis beamed as he recognised it, eagerly exiting the kitchen and heading towards the front door, his smile remaining as he saw Harry standing there. Carelessly tossing his keys on the table in the entryway.

"Harry! I missed you." Louis giggled and quickly ran over to the man, kissing him, arms wrapping around the man's neck and pulling him close to himself. The older man's arms snaked around him as kissed back, lifting him up a little as the two came so close to each other, breathing in each other's intoxicating scent. 

"I'm just making some dinner for us. Hope you don't mind I sent the chef home. Wanted to treat you." He giggled and pulled the green-eyed beauty into the dining room. Louis felt like a love-struck teenager as he pulled out the chair for the man. He wanted to spoil his other half, he really did, he felt so taken care of and loved. "Sit sit. I'll bring out the food."

Louis was acting without thought again, the love he felt like he was shown was just the physical arousal and the pull that unknown to the real world twin had given him. It was high that he wanted to feel again. No one could explain the type of drug that Edward was. Addictive? Intoxicating? But, more. 

So here sat Edward, sitting at the head of the table. Harry's table. Hungrily eyeing the blue-eyed boy whose neck was on full display. His work prior on a show for anyone to see. It fueled Edward's possessive nature. It made an involuntary deep laugh leave the man's throat. The mindless beauty tending to him, Harry nowhere in sight. He felt in control and there was no one who could stop him.

Edward was in charge now. 


Even if it was only small I really liked doing that fluff backstory, I thought it was cute.

But ooo Edward, what is he up to. 

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