Chapter 29 - Get on Your Knees

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- Third Person -

Louis had found his phone, given it wasn't really hidden in the first place, he really just hadn't had the time of the thought of going on it. It was simply just placed in a draw in one of Edward's bedside tables. 

He looked through it, he chose to ignore messages he had from Niall from ages ago. Just scanning through the rest of the notifications until his eye was caught. For about a year he had been receiving vulgar messages from a man named 'Terry' who claimed in his bio to be an excellent dominant. 

 No matter how many times he blocked the man he always came back, his messages were disgusting really. They made him feel a bit sick. Sure, he did have messages from people who would comment on his body, looks etc, but, they were never really persistent and never went as far as this man did. 

Looking over them now, Louis decided he had had enough. Facing the man himself, well, he really didn't want to give the sleaze that satisfaction. But, he knew exactly who could take care of this for him. He just had to ask nicely and bat his eyelashes. He figured that was easy enough. 

Louis found Edward sitting in his office, going through some files on his desk, he checked and Harry wasn't in the room yet

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Louis found Edward sitting in his office, going through some files on his desk, he checked and Harry wasn't in the room yet. So he knew the man must have still been showering. Which, gave him a perfect opportunity to do as he pleased.

"Ed?" He hummed, walking into the big space, fiddling with the oversized jacket on his frame as he approached the man. Edward was quick in giving Louis his undivided attention, how could he not though? Eyeing his choice of clothing, a sense of approval and appreciation being evident. 

"Yes, little one?" Edward noticed Louis was much less sassy with him when Harry wasn't around. He really didn't mind. He could play the bad guy for Louis, to give him that rush and attention he needed. He enjoyed it himself as well. 

"I was wondering if you could do something for me? Please?" He wandered over to stand beside Edward at his desk, the older man turning his chair to face Louis. It truly was a beautiful sight having him this close, perfect view of how the clothes hugged his frame in just the right way. 

"Well dove, it depends what favour you are asking from me." He knew that no matter Louis's request, the likelihood of him attempting to fulfil it was going to be there. He was aware though that his certain talents were probably being required since Louis didn't go to Edward with this.

"There's this man. Terry, and he won't leave me alone. He sends me all these things and it grosses me out." Louis pouted and handed his phone over for Edward to scan through. Louis could tell Edward was on board, so he figured he may as well get to the point. "I want you to kill him. Please."

Edward smirked and looked up from his phone when Louis said this, his mind running a bit wild with what avenue of torture he wanted to go through today. This was a request he was more than happy to fulfil. One that made the psychotic parts of him stand up in anticipation. "Really?"

"Yes, please. I really want you to. Please, Edward." Louis clasped his hands in front of him as he looked to the youngest twin. His eyes shining with the hope that Edward would say yes to his request. "I want him to hurt." 

"Oh my little terror, of course, I'll do this for you. You just owe me something in return." Edward smiled when he saw Louis's face light up with his acceptance. Seeing Louis develop into this person who had similar darkness to Edward's made him so incredibly proud. 

"Yes of course. What do you want me to do? I'll do anything." Louis beamed, feeling much more relaxed and even excited by the fact Edward was willing to kill for him. It gave him some own kind of thrill really.

Edward smirked and leant back in his chair at that proposition, originally Edward was just going to make Louis get on his knees for him right there. He probably would anyway by that bloodlust he caught surrounding the blue. Edward, well, he had a much better idea.

"Tonight. I need you to get Harry to sleep in my bed. Once he's there. Cuff him to the bedframe. Can you do that for me little one?" Edward hummed as he thought about what that sight was going to look like, it almost made him hard already at the thought of it.

Louis bit his lip as he looked to Edward, curious as to what his plan was going to be. He had reservations, because, he was worried Harry would be hurt again. But, he wasn't going to be cuffed down so if anything went wrong, he would be willing to do what he had to. He accepted that in himself before nodding. "I can do that for you Master."

"Good boy. How about for now though, you wrap those lips around me and make me cum?" Edward hummed eyeing Louis as he was quick to fall onto his knees. He really didn't need to be asked twice. 

If Edward had messed up Louis's makeup and hair, well he didn't mind hearing those complaints. 


sorry haha, no smutty times but next chapter yes

Brotherly - LarryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ