Chapter 20 - The Truth is a Hard Pill

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Well here be go...

- Third Person -

It was now the weekend, a few more corpses down and Edward was in his home office in a state of confusion. He had an urge, an urge to tell Louis the truth. That he was not Harry and had been Edward this whole time and show him the real Harry. It had been burning inside him, just existing on the tip of his tongue and tingling at the edge of his fingers. It all made him restless.

Edward was unsure what the outcome of it all would be but he knew letting his brother rot in his basement was not something he was able to commit to. He couldn't commit to killing him either. There was just something getting in the way, someone too. Edward was struggling to figure out if he wanted to do it more for his own sanity or for Louis's. 

He had visited Harry a few more times to feed him and get him to drink, it wasn't as much fun as it was the first time. Harry could barely talk or move. His limbs are practically numb by now. It was like life was just draining out of him. Edward only enjoyed it when there was a fight. There was no fight anymore in Harry. That did bore him. 

Edward huffed as he accepted he had to release his brother. He needed that excitement again, some kind of rush again. Whether he would get it from the outcome, he was unsure, but the idea of it gave him an adrenaline rush.

He got up and headed down to the basement, grabbing the spare suit he kept in his office in case things got messy. Louis was upstairs somewhere, so Edward had time to do what he needed. Ed flicked on the light and saw Harry slumped up against the wall, eyes closed, lips slightly parted to let out the small breaths he needed to survive. 

"Time to wake up big brother." Edward hummed, moving his fingers to fix up Harry's hair. He had to be presentable for Louis. Couldn't let the filth he was, being seen by Louis. Louis was too beautiful to be around someone in such a state, that's what Ed told himself. 

Edward huffed when Harry didn't respond, he moved to tilt his head upwards, Harry's eyes barely opening as he looked at the man. Edward wasn't even sure if Harry knew what was happening or could recognise the man that was in front of him right now. "Whatever. Good enough really."

Edward grabbed the key from his back pocket and unlocked Harry from his chains. "This is pathetic Harry. Like a toddler." Edward rolled his eyes, demeaning his brother like it was his choice to be in such a state. It was all Edward's doing that he was like this.

"At least you don't smell." Edward huffed and moved to change his brother into his suit. He didn't even give Harry's body a proper second glance. If he did. Well, he would have seen the loss of muscle definition and even his ribs which were slightly poking through. 

"There we go. You look so much better. Should be grateful I'm doing this for you, Harry. You really should." Edward had a way to use his words, to manipulate others, make them believe he was doing them a favour and that they owed him. It had been what he had done to Louis to break him and it had been what he was doing to Harry over the past few weeks he had been here. 

He hoisted Harry up, moving his arm over his shoulder, it was no use though, Harry couldn't stand. Edward groaned and picked Harry up bridal style and carried him upstairs, to the living room. "God, this is really embarrassing for you, Harry. You better enjoy this privilege I am giving you, or you are going back into the basement."

Harry could hear, hear everything Edward was saying. He just wished he could move or respond. His hooded eyes moved to look around, he knew they were out of the basement. The coldness of the room had dissipated and the darkness was no longer all he was met with. He was having a hard time adjusting to the light. 

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