Chapter 25 - Let's Make a Deal

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- Third Person -

Edward watched the blood drain off of his body and down into the drain, he felt so calm. Ensuring those two suffered gave him a just what he needed to clear his mind. Everything he had pent up was gone with the scolding hot water against his skin. 

The clarity he had almost made him smirk at the situation he was in. Maybe the two boys in his home were unaware of it, but, they still very much were wrapped around his finger. He held the same power he did before. He'd be well beyond dead if he didn't.

Getting dressed up he made his way to Louis's room, he only caught the end of the conversation before he pushed the door open. He wasn't going to wait for them to spill more of their love for each other, at least not without him there. He wasn't patient.

"Harry, can you meet me outside my office? We have a business to discuss. I just need a quick word with Louis." He hummed, leaning against the doorframe. He did narrow his eyes at the close proximity of the two. If he hadn't interrupted he was sure more would have occurred. 

Louis was quick to grab Harry's wrist when he went to get up so his attention was back on him. Their skin contact felt like a buzz for the both of them, something that hadn't felt for so long. Louis kept his voice low, but Edward could still hear. "Don't let him manipulate you. You said I wouldn't lose you. Mentally counts as well."

"I know. I promise Louis. It's okay." He took a breath and kissed Louis's cheek before getting up despite the reluctance of the boy holding onto him. He had to pull away though, he knew Edward would just get angry if he had to ask twice. 

"Just a quick word to him, Edward." Harry whispered as he passed the man and headed down to wait outside the office like he was asked to. He wasn't worried, Edward's look of evil had vanished, he was on that high. 

Edward rolled his eyes and walked further into the room so he was right up next to Louis, his hot breath fanning his face. It almost amused him when Louis didn't move himself up, he did give him a harsh glare but it really didn't bother Edward at all. Edward gripped Louis's chin so he was locked in that position.

"Harry wouldn't like you doing this Ed. Let me go." Louis huffed out and tried to pull away, it only made Edward grip his chin tighter. Keeping their eyes locked together. Edward's smirk returned as he looked past Louis's eyes and into who he was. 

"I know, but you do like it." Edward laughed when he got a confused look in return from Louis.

"No I don't. I don't want you anywhere near me you psycho." Louis pretty much spat back, the spit on Edward's face may have deterred him if he wasn't self-aware of what Louis's attentions really were with him. 

"My little terror. You say these things but your body and your eyes say much different. I know exactly what you are doing Louis." Edward chuckled darkly, using his other hand to brush off the saliva on his face quickly.

"You my dear, are riling me up on purpose. You know Harry will protect you against me. You adore the attention we both give it. I can see it. Maybe you are doing it subconsciously. But, I can tell you are pretty much getting off to making me angry and seeing Harry step in before anything happens. Little minx you are."

Louis's eyes blew wide because maybe he was doing that, he did always love Harry's attention and well, he would lie if Edward's attention had made him want to throw up these past few weeks. 

"I better go though, before Mr Saviour comes up here to check on you. Don't worry though, I won't tell him. Wouldn't want it to ruin your fun little one. Love when you push my buttons." Edward hummed and kissed Louis's cheek on the other side to where Harry had previously laid his before promptly exiting the room.

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