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The woman let go of my wrist before pushing me through the door. With a room full of eyes everyone looked at me and some didn't care. "Mom why did you bring some girl here?" A boy that looked like a Male version of the woman next me. "Jocab do you remember CJ"

(This is jacob he 1 year younger then cj too also note he has this weird crush on cj 😶)the boy started listening and a few people around the room

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(This is jacob he 1 year younger then cj too also note he has this weird crush on cj 😶)
the boy started listening and a few people around the room. "What about her she disappeared years ago" he crossed his arm looking mad why is he so mad? "Introduce yourself" she whispers to me before pushing me in front of Jacob "Hi my name is CJ" I hold out my hand with a smile on my face everyone gasped and the boy looked at my hand with a questioning face. Before pulling me into a tight hug making everyone aw "what's going on?" I question confused. "I guess she didn't get her memory fully back" a man in the back of the room sat he looked like an exact clone of my dad but he had facial hair. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He smirks taking a sip from the glass that he had rested in his hand "do I look familiar"

"Michael shut up your scaring the girl" he rolls his eyes and goes back to whatever he was doing before. "Wheres your dad at?" Another lady slot older ask "ummm..." man I'm gonna get caught "he probably mingling as usual" the woman next to me said and I nodded then the door open revealing him. He had a smile on his face which was rare. It disappeared as soon as he noticed me. "Cj" he says before going over to me "dad" I say nervously. "Come on were going home". He grabs my arm before dragging me away "your really gonna try to do this" everyone turn to Micheal my dad griped my arm tighter as soon as he noticed micheal. "What's wrong chance?" He smirks that same smirk. Before my dad drags me away.

Back at home

"How can you be so stupid?" He finally speaks after a quiet ride home. "Say something God damn it" he yells waiting for my response. "What's with all this god damn yelling? Cant you tell people are sleeping in this house" mom stands in the middle of the stair way with alphine (my dog) "nacy your daughter-" she raised her hand makeing him shut up not wanting to hear what he gotta say. "You shut up and you" she points at me "you go to your room your lucky Its not a school night"

(Nacy pov)
Cj grab alphine before running upstairs to her room. "Honey" he try's to get my Attention "what is it clark??" I cross my arms I'm already mad at this man and now he comes home making all this fucking noise. "Your daughter did it again".


I'm grounded for a week now and I cant leave my room I'm stuck In this house with just Alphine.
"Cj come here" I walk downstairs and see my mom sitting on the couch. "Sit please" I sit on the couch right beside her. "Me and your dad been talking and were thinking maybe you should be home schooled" I jumped up from the couch "what" I yell "I'm sorry darling but your not safe at that school' what Is she talking about "mom what are you talking about " she couldn't help but look at me sad "I dont wanna loose you again can you please just trust me" her eyes started to tear up what is going on why is she sad "alright but could you please explain to my why your acting like this" she sigh "where should I begin"
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Party Favor ( Billie Eilish x Reader) GL fanfic (Not Edited/ slow update)Where stories live. Discover now