For Stephanie

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"So the first court dates coming up soon." Brian informed me.

"Can I come?" I inquired sitting down and letting their new dog attack me.

"Zelda, quit it!" He hollered grabbing her collar and yanking her down. "Sorry, but I don't know if you'd want to come."

"I mean what could she do. She already knows where she stands with me. I get that you don't want me to do it cuz it's her and that whole argument, but I've already burned the bridge, I mean." I looked away and back at them sticking my chin out a bit. "I mean if you're really not comfortable with it... but know that I want to do it."

"She's right. That is kind of burned." Sarah rationalized as Brian thought on it for a second.

"Yeah, I guess. If you want to come." He looked up at me rubbing a hand on his chin.

"Yeah, why not. Could be fun. Plus, how pissed would she be if I came." I smirked.

"Well... it would piss her off." He smirked back.

"Alright, so when are we doing this?"

"Next week."

"Alright I'll be here. Maybe stay the night before so I can just be here the day of."

"Yeah alright. Get drunk the night before and plan." Sarah added.

"Exactly." I agreed falling back on the couch with my arms out.

"Alright." Brian agreed hesitantly.

Soon enough the day came.

"What time is it again?"


"Alright. I'll go get dressed then." I checked the time. Ten now, should be ready by eleven at the latest, then we're there. I figured grabbing my clothing out of my purse. I had chosen a maroon shirt with floral print on it. Dawn had gotten it for me for pictures when we went down for my grandmama's birthday. They had taken us down to Tennessee earlier that year for it. A professional photographer was hired for the pictures that we took in two different places. Things were finally looking up for them and I, we hadn't fought in a little over a year now. Whether it was sheer distance or a change in attitude I could never be sure, but I knew it all happened after I sent them that letter. I slipped on the shirt and tucked it into my pants pulling it out a bit so it would hang just over the waistline.

Not long afterwards, Sarah too came out in a maroon blouse and black pants.

"Oh my gosh this is like the same shade." She noticed coming up to compare the colors.

"Dude it is!" I laughed and Brian came out in a navy blue button up.

"Wouldn't it be funny if we all showed up in the same matching colors." Sarah beamed obviously holding back a laugh.

"I think I got a purple button up." Dad doubled back into the room. "Ohhhhh yeah." He chuckled. "She's gonna hate us. They all showed up in matching colors! The nerve of him."

"No no, not him, sperm donor. Remember." I joked.

"Oh yeah, that's right." He smirked buttoning up the last of the buttons holding his chin high. "She wishes I was just a sperm donor. Alright, let's go." He grabbed his keys and we were out the door. "Wanna make sure we're early."

We got there with quite a bit of time to spare. There were a few benches in the hall. They were spread out enough so that either party during a case could be far from the other. We were there first and chose the bench right by the courtroom.

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