My Fault

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Gabe's mental health declined more and more as the years droned on. One night after a pretty bad fight between him and our parents he just left to go for a walk to clear his head. Not five minutes later was mom freaking out and questioning me.

"Elise have you seen your sister? Where is she? Did she go anywhere? Is she coming back?" The onslaught of questions kept getting more and more serious, flinging accusations left and right, until finally Gabe walked in the door. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" She demanded an answer as I skirted out of view into the office.

"Chill, I was just out for a walk." He grumbled and started to walk away to his room upstairs.


"To my room I have stuff to do." Again he started to saunter away.

"NO No, no..." Dad had a habit of trailing off with nos and a slight chuckle when he was especially pissed. "You said you would help clean the basement today and I haven't seen you even attempt."

"I never said that" He argued. The parents had a habit of making up chores to do when they were mad and then not tell you about them until it suited them. At the same time Gabe had a habit of forgetting to do things.

Wonder which one it is this time... I pondered as they followed him around the corner to the stairs right in front of my hiding place. Shit. I jumped onto the desk chair and pulled my feet up spinning out of view.

"Yes, yes you did. Now go do it." Dad continued louder.

"What? I'm gonna clean it all by myself? Do you know how unfair that is? The basement is a mess!" Gabe pleaded.

"Hhrrrrrrrr!!" Dad growled shaking his hands out like he was squeezing a balloon as he often did when he was beyond furious. "Then take your sister! I don't care, I want it done. NOW!"

"Wait wait, I already did some cleaning down there!" I defended myself, ebbing into view. I am not doing HIS chores! That's just unfair.

"Uhhh? What are you talking about?" Mom argued. "I didn't see you go down there once!"

"Uhhhh, yes you did, we did it together."

"Oh you mean when I was cleaning and you were just sitting there on your phone?"

"I was listening to music, maybe you saw when I was changing songs or something. I did like half the tubs down there!" Which I had. Not like dad'll believe me above mom though.

"No-" Mom started before she was cut off.

"I don't CARE JUST GET DOWN STAIRS AND CLEAN!!!" Dad started small but soon I was sure the neighbors heard his scream.

I went to the basement without a word. I knew better than to talk back by this point. All it would get me was more chores and a lack of any electronic. Gabe crept down the stairs a little while later to "help". Earlier after the fight mom had said a few choice words to me about Gabe that I thought he should know. Now seemed like the perfect time to bring it up to him, it's not like they could have gotten more mad at him. So I told him. I don't remember exactly what it was but it was enough to make Gabe upset.

Maybe this'll help them sort out their issues. All they have to do is be honest with each other, here's a start. I rationalized as I told him.

"She really said that?" His voice breaking. After a nod from me he went back to 'cleaning'. I didn't see exactly where but it was probably the other side of the basement because mom didn't see him either when she stomped down.

"Where's your sister?" Mom inquired. I shrugged back.

"Maybe he went upstairs." I guessed. She gave me a look of sheer contempt then backed off to find him.

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