The Plan

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Eric and my one year anniversary was quickly approaching. I had no idea what he had planned, but according to all of our friends it was a massive step. Left and right I had people telling us about how excited they were for me and most of them I didn't even know. Probably one of Eric's friends no doubt. I've never had someone so weirdly open about everything to literally everyone. How does he even know half of these people? I nodded as another couple ran past us with their fingers shaped as a heart. I'm kind of scared to see what he has planned. I mean going out of your way and everything is great, but it's like they think you're about to propose or something. Wait... You're not proposing right? Oh no, what if that's what's about to happen? I wanted to let you down easy, but if you propose. Ugh. We'll have to speed up the process. Or maybe, there's another way. I tried to piece together some other options. Just tell him what you're feeling. Open up. I scolded myself as I sat down on our favourite bench after the last bell. Just be honest. Come on. I was lost in thought until a blonde girl came up to me.

"Hey Elise?" She was holding out her phone and looked concerned.

Oh that's his one friend. What's her name.... Levi. That's it. "What's up Levi?" I asked puzzled. She never talks to me.

"Um, I just wanted to see how serious you are about you and Eric." She stated outright.

"Well, I guess I don't know. It's good for now I guess." I answered shortly. Why are you lying to her. You know it won't last forever, you spend all day complaining about him to say "it's good for now I guess"? I scolded myself repressing my voice of reason. "Why?"

"That's what I thought. Ok, I'm going to tell you something and I need you to pretend you don't know." She started. "Can you do that?"

"Yeah, sure, anything." She had gotten my attention so I turned towards her.

"So your one year anniversary is coming up. What are you planning on getting him?"

"Well I was thinking we'd go to a nice restaurant or something, nothing crazy though, I mean it's only one year. Where is this going?" Shit this is a proposal isn't it. Of course it is. Great.

"Well, I don't know how to put this lightly. He wants to get you a ring."

"A what?!" I did a double take, if I had been drinking water it would have been sprayed all over her bright pink blouse.

"He's planning on getting you a promise ring." She repeated slowly. "So if you got that, how would you react?"

"Um, well, I-I, um, this is sudden, um, I guess I don't, I don't know, um really? A promise ring? Really?" I clarified, taken aback. See you should have been honest with her. I chastised myself.

"That's kind of why I was telling you. You didn't seem as into the relationship as he is."

"Yeah, I would agree with you on that." I chuckled. A promise ring? At one year? What is he crazy!?

"So what would you say?"

"I guess I don't know. I feel like maybe later in life I could see myself saying yes, but definitely not right now. I mean we've been dating a year, not even right now. He's really thinking of getting me a ring?"

"Yeah, ok, so that's a no then right?"

"Yeah, no, I do not want that kind of question right now, if ever. Can you please try to talk him out of it?" If I try he'll just convince me otherwise with his victim routine. Then we're in even deeper shit.

"That's kind of what I was figuring you'd say. I'll see what I can do. Do you want to see the one he picked out though?"

"I mean sure, why not?" I answered as she unlocked her phone.

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