A Dying Wish, Now Fulfilled

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It was only a matter of time until my biological granddad passed, and a few days after I met him that time came. It was almost as if he had held out just to fill that final request and once he did he slowly drifted off into the night. Tears were shed and a funeral was thrown together for the following weekend, just five days after my birthday. They sent me the details and once again I was on the hunt to find a friend to join me. Naturally my first choice, once again, was Erica. I was admittedly still angry from last time when she told me it didn't concern her, but I was determined to have her share that part of my life with me. She was my longest friend and, since I'd helped her meet her dad, I felt she owed it to me in a sense. She had used the excuse that her mom didn't want her getting involved until I was eighteen, I was angry since she didn't disobey her like she would in any other circumstance, but I decided to bury the hatchet with that grievance. It wouldn't have been an issue anymore by the time we'd have to go up so I figured it was better to let sleeping dogs lay. As soon as they told me all the particulars I went straight to her.

"Want to come?"

"I told you." She sighed loathingly. "I don't want to get involved until you're eighteen."

"I'm turning eighteen in just a few days." I reminded her, prepared for this excuse.

"Well it's a far ways away." She snapped.

"And I'm driving. It's on the weekend, you won't have school or anything to worry about."

"I have rehearsal." She shorted as if I should have known her schedule.

"What time?"

"Well it starts at around five, but I need to be there an hour early."

"Oh well that should work out then, the funeral starts at nine. Thinkin it'll take like an hour, maybe two, and we'll have time to get food on the way back. Sounds like it would work just fine."

"No, I told you I had to get there an hour or so early."

"Ok, so what? Three? Two? You'll be able to get there, and I mean it wouldn't be the end of the world if you were a little late right? I mean you're part of the crew, not an actual part in the play. I mean of course it's important still, I'm not trying to downgrade it, but you know."

"It's just as important as being a part. I told you I wouldn't go. Respect my decision." She stood up to condescendingly look down on me. "Some of us have more important things to do." She turned away.

"Fine, I'll just get someone else to go with me then." I retorted harshly at her turned back. "I'm gonna go find Micah." I decided aloud. "He's got to meet them at some point anyway." I huffed out heading towards the drama hall after Erica walking at twice her speed and quickly passing her. "Hey Micah!" I waved, finding him.

"What's up Elise?" He turned quickly from talking to his best friend Marie to me.

"Quick question."

"Aight, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my grandpa's funeral with me. I know you have rehearsal but I figured, missing one rehearsal wouldn't be the end of the world." I shrugged.

"Sure, it shouldn't be too hard to get out. I mean the rehearsals are really for the main cast at this point anyway." He agreed as Erica passed behind me.

"That's what I thought." I somewhat yelled loud enough for her to hear and shot glare at her turned back. "Thank you so much! This means so much to me! I mean having someone there that I know would really help me out. It's gonna be awkward for both of us." I hugged him close. "What would I do without you?" I buried my face in his chest.

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