The Letter I Wrote

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Having moved back in with Steven and Dawn for the holidays I felt myself watching paint dry from the plush mattress of my twin sized bed. Figuratively that is, I was in fact watching the glow in the dark stars I had coating my ceiling charge and slowly illuminate the shadows as the sun streaked across my window. If I could've spent all day laying there it wouldn't have been enough. Of course, having been deprived of the joys of tormenting, I was still expected to be present for each meal and each brought its own vice. First there was the issue of my hair. I had cut it short and anything less than shoulder length was deemed too boyish for a girl raised under Dawn's tyranny. Next was, of course, my face and how I'd never be loved because of it. Soon the topic changed to my major and how I'd never be able to do something so involved. Slowly each day passed with a stiffly bitten tongue using the same tactics as flies on the walls. However, there was something off about the household. Something clearly so wrong that Dawn didn't even notice the weight I'd gained. I could hear loud threatening whispers from adjacent rooms that were so slurred I couldn't discern the meaning. I only had a moment's notice to look over, but everytime I peaked my nose around the corner I was noticed and Gabe was dragged off to some other secluded corner to be scolded.

"What's up?" I inquired one day as Gabe reemerged.

"Nothing. They're just freaking out over things like they normally do. I'm going by Alex again. Nice and gender neutral." He proclaimed changing the subject.

"Awesome, that makes things easier. What are they going on about this time?" I pushed. I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later.

"Oh some shit about how I need to go back to school and everything. Nothing new." He dismissed. "Anyway." He walked away without another word.

Guess I can't ask. He must have really fucked up this time. I rolled my eyes. Whatever, I'm sure dinner will reveal it later. Give it a few days at most. I'll just stay out of it til then. I figured disappearing to the wall my fly body so cherished.

Soon enough Christmas dinner came around.

"Elise." Steven hollered for me.

"Yep?" I flew in behind him.

"Now we're gonna sit down to dinner ok."

"Ok." It's dinner time, of course we're about to sit down and eat dinner. I was perplexed for a moment.

"And you will be nice. None of this bitchy attitude you've been slinging lately. You will sit down and you will eat and be nice to your mother." He commanded. "Get me?" He stated more than asked.

"Ok." I sighed. Back to this I see. At least I'll finally get to figure out what's up. I rolled my eyes as I turned around. Hopefully the control problem still works out as intended. Though I'm not sure I'll need it, what with Alex and all.

"Hey!" He grabbed my shoulder and flipped me around again. "Smile." He ordered putting a smile on himself.

I didn't dignify it with a response. Oh yeah, cuz that's ever made someone want to smile more. I forced a smile then when he turned his back it turned to a scowl. Hate this fucking house and all of it's endless bull shit. I shook my head as I walked to the table with my refound smile.

"So Alex. When do you plan on picking college back up again?" Dawn started off the conversation for the night.

Called it. I dreaded. Hopefully it is just all about college and how he quit because his 'back hurt'.

"I'm not sure." He shorted, obviously annoyed.

"Come on." Steven half whispered. "Let's just eat and have a good, nice meal. This corn is delicious." He smiled towards me, shoveling a spoonful into his mouth.

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