Car Trouble

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Shortly after Christmas the real Michigan winter started and my car started failing. The breaks had always been a little touchy and unwilling but now everything had started leaking. The motor oil, transmission oil, and the coolant namely. I didn't much care about buying the oils, they weren't cheap, but lasted a while before I had to refill. The coolant was my main concern. If you don't know how your cars heating works, here's a rough break down. Essentially, the coolant will run around the engine and cool it down and then pass through the radiator which in turn heats up and pushes the hot air into the actual car. So that said, when the car runs low on coolant two things happen. One, the car overheats, obviously, but two, the heating doesn't work. Since it was the middle of winter, anywhere I needed to go using my car meant a freezing drive through the elements that wasn't buffered by a warm car.

Would you mind looking at my car? I asked Kathy knowing that Ray worked with cars on a daily basis.

Sure, just bring her up and we can check her out. She agreed.

So I took the drive up there shortly before the first sticking snowfall.

"What seems to be the issue?" She asked as I pulled into the driveway.

"I don't know. Leaking something or other. Other than that I have no idea." I confessed as Ray came out.

"I know what's wrong with it." He announced having taken two seconds to look at the car between coming from the house and getting to the car.

"What's that?"

"You. You're driving it all fast and shit and this car isn't made to go that fast. You probably ruined the engine or some shit. Nothing we can fix." 

"Eh, I don't even drive it that fast." I defended.

"Bull shit you don't. I see you tearing out of this place. Should charge you for the grass you destroy here." He continued.

"I'm the one ruining the grass? Not the several cars you have piled up here that you're "trying to fix"?" I chastised looking around at the several cars that were rusting out. Like a junkyard.

"Very funny. Ain't you trying to get your car fixed? Not sure if I want to do it no more." He always had to make things difficult.

"Come on Ray." Kathy ordered sweetly with eyes that could kill.

"I ain't gotta fix nothing." He continued starting to walk back inside.

"Double negative. You have to fix something then." I corrected to a snarl like face.

"See what you do to me." He looked over at Kathy loathingly. "Pop the hood." He ordered walking around to the car again.

"Alright." I did and he dove in.

After an hour or so he decided the problem was with a bit of piping that needed replacing. 

"Shouldn't take long. Just gotta get the part." He assured as he climbed into his truck that was obviously compensating and drove off to get it.

Not long afterwards he rolled back into the driveway and attached the part. "Shouldn't cause you any more issues." He decided slamming down the hood and walking off again.

"He's just hangry or something." Kathy assured. "You on your way out then?"

"Yeah, I gotta make sure Austin gets something to eat before too long. He gets hangry too." I laughed hopping into my car and turning it on. "I'll let you know if I have any other problems though." I assured her as she waved me out the driveway.

It didn't fix my problem.

Hey can you check out my car by chance? I know you only work at the factory, but I figure you still know more than me. I messaged Brian later that week.

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