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Not too long after the whole dermatologist dispute, mom made an appointment to see a family counselor with me. I didn't have high hopes. The last therapist appointment I went to was a hodgepodge of screaming and crying so I couldn't imagine that this would end up much different. At least dad isn't coming this time. Maybe things will work out. This has clearly been a long time coming. I tried my hardest to look on the bright side, but I couldn't shake the dark feeling eating away at my gut. Who am I kidding, she took me to that dermatologist just to make fun of me. There's clearly no line with her. I subconsciously shook my head as we pulled into the parking lot.

"What?" Mom immediately noticed.

"Nothing." I sighed as I got out in front of the cream colored building.

"No what?"

"Nothing." She's probing, she wants me to say something here so that she can bring it up in the session. I'm not giving her that. Things are already going down hill, but I'll be damned if I fall for something so obvious.

"No. Wait right there. We're not going in if you can't show me a smile. It's because of you that we're here. Don't forget about that." I didn't so she ran up and pinched my shoulder, tugging me back she continued. "You should be happy that I'm trying to work this out with you. If I was anyone else you might not be so lucky. I wish we could have worked this out at home but clearly you won't talk to me, we're going to try this. If you don't want to go you can just talk to me." She pulled her lips back into a poor attempt at a sincere smile.

"No let's just do this." I closed my eyes and turned back around. I've been talking to you. We just don't agree, and that's your problem.

"Uh. I didn't see you smile. You want us to walk in there and have everyone know how stuck up you are? Do you know how embarrassing that would be for me? How embarrassing it is that we have to resort to this? Elise!" She hollered after me as I walked into the office with a dead look on my face.

Oh yeah, this is gonna go great. I loathed as mom followed me, holding her purse in front of her head like she was shielding herself from the paparazzi she must have thought were following her all too interesting and embarrassing life. This is useless. Clearly she doesn't want to be here. If you would just let me be myself we wouldn't have to come. "Elise Geisler."

"Elise... There you are Elise. She'll be right out for you. Did you bring any company?"

"Yup, got my mom here." I motioned over to the paranoid parent trying to pick the most unnoticeable seat.

"Alright, she'll be out in just a minute." The receptionist smiled widely. "Just take a seat."

"Thank you." I picked the closest bench to the door and rolled my eyes as mom sat down next to me. You can take the purse down now. I sighed as she slowly lowered it to eye level, glancing around at the others around her.

"Oh I hope that isn't Jake's mom." Her eyes darted back and forth. "How embarrassing would that be. Having her see me here with you."

Yup. The embarrassment child, that's me. If I had just shut my mouth and done what they wanted we wouldn't even be here right now. Why do I have to cause so many problems? I could always just buckle down and be what they want me to be. I scolded myself as mom started spraying perfume all around us. Way to not attract attention.

"I don't want anyone to even smell this place on me. You better not tell anyone what we're doing here." She sprayed the seat she sat on and all around her head, shaking it to get it all through her hair as I coughed next to her. "Quiet down. It's not that bad. You're attracting attention." She pushed on either side of my knee until I jolted from the pain.

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