34| Swimming

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I took the phone away from my ear and stared down at it for a minute unsure if I should call back or not. But I was interrupted before I could even make a decision.

"Hey, Noah?" I turned around surprised to see bright fake blue contacts directly in my face and took a step back.

"Mckenna," I greeted her, honestly I forgot about her completely. But I suppose I should also thank her for my relationship because she was the whole reason Nala and I pretended to be dating when we first came on the trip.

"I just wanted to apologize." I tilted my head in confusion and she carried on. "I'm sorry for how flirty I was being at the beginning of the trip. I see you and Nala now and I feel really gross about it. So I just wanted to say sorry for the way I acted." I felt shocked but shook my head.

"Hey no problem," I said with an easy-going smile and shook it off. There's really nothing sorry to be now that I've met the love of my life." Before she can continue the incredibly awkward conversation she got called by someone about something and walked off.

"What's the matter?" Nala asked me after walking up to me and I shook my head.

"Um, Mckenna just said sorry?" I said confused and she shook her head.

"No, I know about that. She talked to me while you were on the phone." She reached up and cupped my cheek lightly as she looked into my eyes. "I mean you look a little nervous after you put your phone down." Of course, she notices the little thing.

"Nothing. It was just Randall. He left me a voicemail about something important," I mumbled as I adjusted her beanie on her head.

She noticed that I was hiding something but brushed it off as she looked around. "This still gives me goosebumps," she said as we got off the bus and I pulled the emergency backpack tighter on my shoulders while getting this weird feeling in my stomach. It made me freeze and I looked around until I met Alex's pale face.

"I'm not feeling so hot," Alex said and I took my glove off quickly and felt his head.

"You have a fever," I told him and he shook his head a lot.

"I may have had some bad food while you were gone. It might be a stomach bug," he said as he ran to the side of the road and threw up.

Maybe that's the weird feeling I have too. I should probably skip out on this whole thing, but I want to see Nala through on the adventure.

"I don't think you should go up there," Tim said, slapping Alex on the shoulder and he gave him a stoic look as though he wasn't already thinking about it. "The bus driver is staying down here If you wanna stick with him."

I walked to the bus driver, pulling Alex with me and smiled at the kind-looking man.

"Hey man," I shook his hand as Alex lolled a little. "My kid is going to stick down here with you if you don't mind."

"I was just going to stick here and watch my shows," he shrugged and gestured to his phone that had a video on it.

"Great, I'm just gonna put him a couple of rows back so he doesn't get you sick," I pulled Alex back a couple rows and he went to lay down on the seat. "Here," I gave him an extra hoodie I brought with me and his shivering form took it with a thanks. "Don't throw up on the seats, Kid, we have to take this bus back," I told him sternly as I handed him a few plastic bags and he nodded as his eyelids drifted closed.

"You're the best, Pops," he said quietly to me. "You don't know how great you are to me." I bit my cheek and pushed the kid's damp hair out of his face and tapped his cheek with my palm.

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