02| Promise

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"Just go out and live your live your life you loser." I sit up from the little couch on the side of the room and look at the old man.

"Randall. I'm getting sick of hearing you say that every day." He sits with a smug look on his face and a shine in his glossy blue eyes. His grey hair cut short on the top of his head as he sits with machines taped around his body.

"Well, I'm sick of seeing your face walk through the door every day."

"I'm literally your doctor!"

"Doctors don't come and hang out with their patients whenever they have time off." It's true. But Randall has been here since when I first started my beginning of becoming a doctor and I've known him before that too. His wife passed away years ago and he never had kids, so he has been here just waiting his life out. Something in me just felt like I had to give him company.

"Well, why would I sit in the lounge along with doctors who I don't like when I can just sit here and bless you with my presence?" I give a huge grin as I lay back on the couch, tilting my head on my hand. "Besides I'm probably your best friend. You love me."

"Sure I love calling my 30- something-year-old doctor my best friend." He rolls his eyes and my chest shakes from laughing.

"Please, I'm a joy to have around."

"You're a strange one, you know that? Now get up and get me some more pudding. Mine's all finished." I roll my eyes as I heave myself off the couch. He knows that's not my job but he doesn't give a shit.

"C' mon, move your butt." He ushers me out from his seat on the bed and I, unwillingly, walk out of the room.

I go down the stairs and make it to the third floor to talk to one of the receptionists.

"Hey Carol, any way you can sneak me a few more pudding cups?" I ask with a huge grin on my face.

"Only if it's for Randall." She smiles and gets up to get some.

"Shit!" I hear coming from a familiar room and quickly make my way to it, shoving the door open.

Laying on the ground is an angry Nala with her arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.

"Last time I checked, the bed was more comfortable than the floor." I reach my hand out and she just stares at it.

"I can get myself up, thank you very much. Have you seen my calf?"

"I don't doubt you can get up by yourself. But if you fall on my watch it'll be a pretty hefty lawsuit on my hands and I'm still in the process of paying off my loans." She gives me a look but eventually takes my hand and I help her to the bed. "May I ask why you were on the floor?" She let out a huff of air.

"I was trying to put the leg back on." She mumbles.

"Ah, well that's literally the one thing I told you not to do. Ya know? Because otherwise, you're gonna have to live with a crutch instead of a fake leg for the rest of your life."

"You're pretty blunt for a doctor don't you think?"

"I've been told that once or twice," I say with a shrug and shove my hand into my pocket to grab the dinging cell phone. "Well, duty calls," I say and turn on my foot to head out the room but she calls out to me. When I face her, she pulls a flyer from the side table and hands it to me.

"That's the organization I'm supposed to go with for the adventure we were talking about. So if you could address them that would be fantastic." I take the flyer and glance it over before folding it and putting it in my pocket.

"We'll see about that. At the rate you're falling I'm not sure if I'll be writing it for you." I say, wiggling my eyebrows and she widens her eyes.

"You promised!" I roll my eyes and stick out my pinky finger.

"I pinky promise if you do what you're supposed to be doing that I'll write it." She looks down at my hand for a minute before interlocking her pinky with my own.

"And I promise to stop putting my leg on before it's healed." She mumbles out.

"Good. I take pinky promises very seriously." I point at her, and with that am out of the door in a flash making my way to the room that I was called to.


After I finish up I make my way with two pudding cups back to Randall's room.

"Took you long enough." He says when I walk in.

"It's a hospital, Randall. I'm literally working."

"Don't give me any of that 'working' crap when you're literally sitting on the end of my bed about to eat a pudding cup with me." He says with a pointed look and grabs the other pudding cup.

"Whatever," I grumble as I reach into my pocket and pull out two plastic spoons, handing one to Randall. He rips off the plastic covering and stares at my pocket.

"What's that?" He asks with a head nod and I notice the flyer Nala gave me before and hand it over to him. "Thinking about finally living your life instead of spending time with a sick man?"

"Nope, you're forever stuck with me," I say with a shining smile. "That's for one of my patients. She needs me to write something for her telling them that she's okay to continue on."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go and write it! At least someone's going on adventures."

"I have to wait until she gets better."

"Well do you doubt she will get better?" He asks with mischief peaking in his eyes.

"Randall, I wouldn't have this job if I wasn't as good as I am. I have no doubt she will be better in no time."

"Then go write them an email before they decide she can't go." He reaches to the side table and picks up his laptop, shoving it into my lap and points to the couch.

"Such a bossy old man," I say and he smacks the back of my head, making me chuckle as I open up the laptop.

"Such a bossy old man," I say and he smacks the back of my head, making me chuckle as I open up the laptop

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❤️❤️Much Love

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