18| Airplane

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"How was your guys' Christmas?" Alex asked Isla and Jeremy as we were getting off of the plane in Fiji. And when I mean getting off, I mean that Nala is pulling me while my eyes are shut because a baby across the aisle was crying the whole time.

"We hung out with Jer's family the whole time what about you guys? Have fun at Noah's house?" Isla asked.

"Isla! You should see the man's house! It's as though you walked into a magazine right then and there!" Alex gasped out.

"Nice earrings," Jer chuckled out to me and I was about to comment before I felt two hands on my cheeks pinching them.

"Don't they make him look so handsome!" I opened my eyes and looked at Nala who was gawking at my face and I was afraid that she would feel my heart pumping faster. She squeezed my cheeks again and moved her hands up, tucking the sides of my hair behind my ears.

"Besides Nala saying that every couple of minutes, I would say that the holiday was pretty cool! I mean look at this cool jacket Noah used to wear in high school," Alex gestured to a jacket I gave him from the back of my closet. He said something about it looking 'vintage' and how it was in style.

"I won't lie, a majority of Noah's closet is resorting in mine and Alex's suitcases right now," Nala said with a shrug as I nodded my head at the statement.

"Nala, I'm loving the denim jacket," Isla said, tugging on the jacket Nala was wearing and I watched her face brighten as she did a model-like twirl.

"Noah got it for me for Christmas, look at the fun patches so far!" She and Isla walked ahead as she explained all the things she wanted on the jacket when I fell into step with Alex and Jeremy.

I watched as Nala walked with Isla and I heard a chuckle next to me.

"What?" I asked Jeremy suddenly realizing that he asked me a question. I looked at him in confusion and he shook his head in amusement.

"How long have you and Nala been together?" He asks with a smile and I'm caught off guard by the question. Together? Oh!

"Oh. Um. A little while?" Good job Noah! Make it sound like a question. If I could, I would roll my eyes at myself.

"Ah, I can see. You two haven't hit the love stage have you?"

My eyes widened as I snapped my head over to him, "What? No!"

"It's so obvious you two are in love."

"Hell yeah, it's obvious. The entire holiday the two of them were all cuddly and didn't have a moment where they weren't holding on to one another. It's like if they let go they would die," Alex said dramatically as he settled on the other side of Jeremy.

"We were not that attached." It's a lie. We cooked together and fell asleep in the same bed. And I showed her my little garden in my backyard where I grow fresh vegetables. And when I felt like I was smothering her I went to the backyard and started to meditate and when I opened my eyes I saw she was mimicking me. She said she wanted to see how it was like to meditate and we sat in silence for a bit.

But that's hardly love! Right?

I rubbed the back of my neck and bit my lip. "When did you fall in love with Isla?" I asked Jeremy and watched as he stared lovingly at his wife who was arm in arm with Nala waiting for the bags to come around on the conveyor belt.

"From the second that our eyes met, I knew I was a goner." That's not how it works.

Well, remember when you gawked at Nala when you first saw her?

Shut up brain.

"How did you meet her?" Alex asked.

"She hit me with her truck," he chuckled and Alex and I looked at him like he was crazy. He noticed the two of us with wide eyes and nodded his head. "I was walking out of work and she literally hit me with her truck. She came out of the car and started crying over me and I was the one to calm her down instead of the other way around. She didn't have insurance so she offered a meal instead and that was our first date."

Doctor Said No Cliff JumpingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora