11| Rafting

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"I'm just saying that I look stupid."

"Noah, you don't look stupid."

"Nala, the wet suit reaches my shins and the middle of my forearm."

"Well maybe if you weren't a humongous human being..." the woman at the front desk voiced and I shot her a look.

The sarcasm dripped out of my voice as I spoke up. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll go talk to my doctor about reversing my height."

"You're not your own doctor?" Alex asked as he walked out of the fitting room.

"You know son, I think you should really rethink this year abroad thing," I say and I feel a hit on the back of my head.

"Leave the poor boy alone," Isla says and I turn around and stop any form of speech from leaving my mouth when I look at Jeremy.

"It's basically like I'm wearing bicycle shorts," he mumbles as he walks up to me.

We have to be two of the biggest guys here, but Jeremy is obviously bigger than me when it comes to muscles. His wet suit barely covers his knees and doesn't go past his elbows.

"Nobody told you to bring two huge ogres into the establishment," the woman behind the desk says again while popping her gum obnoxiously.

"If I were to throw Alex at her would that be wrong?" Jeremy asks me in a hushed tone and I have to refrain from nodding my head and give him the go-ahead.

"Yes, because he would probably like it and I would have to fix the both of them," I sigh out and the two of us trudge out of the building to get to where the water is.

Tim catches the two of us walking up to the group and calls out, "Jeremy and Noah have to be on two different rafts so it doesn't sink."

I know it was only for the logical sense, but Jeremy groans out, "okay we get it! We look like we're in children's clothes! We are huge we get it."

"Speak for yourself. Have you seen how great my calves look?" Jeremy doesn't seem to like my joke and looks like he's going to fight me until Isla grabs his arm and he walks away from me.

"To be completely honest, after getting to know the two of you a little bit I'm not entirely sure that I know who would win in a fight." I turn to Alex, who has his arms crossed in thought as he looks between me and Jeremy.

Nala's voice cuts in response. "I know Jeremy is bigger, but I feel like Noah can be really scary."

"True. I wonder if high school Noah ever went to jail for a fight or even got in trouble." The two of them turn to look at me and I choose to avoid their questions by walking away from them.

"I'm going to take that as a 'yes, I have been to jail for exactly that Alex." Alex mumbles and I hear Nala's giggle.

"Then don't mess with him."

"I'm like a son to him, Nala. He must protect me at all costs." The two of them chuckle and I shake my head as I get farther away and hear their footsteps follow after me.


"It's cold! The water is so cold!" I chatter out and Nala has to hold in her laughs.

"Maybe because your skin is overexposed," she fakes a distasteful look and I shoot her a glare.

"I can't believe that everything that involves protective wear looks stupid on you." I look down at the big yellow vest that covers my chest and shoot her a wink.

"Because I look a lot better when I'm living life on the edge, Sweetheart."

"Barf," McKenna says as she pushes her way to the front of the raft and sits down.

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