10| Painting

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"All I'm saying is have you tried taking vitamins?" I rub my temples from the excessive questions that Alex has been asking Nala.

"You know what Alex? I think you might be onto something! I don't think I have tried using vitamins to GROW MY LEG BACK"

"Yeah when you say it like that it does sound kind of stupid" Alex says running his chin and then looks over to me.

"Well, you're the hotshot doctor. Isn't there a way to get it back?"

"Alex it's not a tail you can't just grow it back."

"Maybe you shouldn't have taken that year off of school, kid," Jeremy says with a chuckle and Alex crosses his arms and pouts his lip out.

"Hey, don't talk to my kid like that!" I say and we all laugh. A buzzing pulls me out of the conversation and I answer my phone without looking at the number.

"Doctor Eloy," I say with my professional voice.

"Ugh, you sound like such a nerd." The voice brings a smile to voice, despite the rude remark.

"I told you this many times before, Randall. If I paid all that money I'll be damned if I don't use that name before my own every time."

"Sounds stupid. So, tell me, son, how's living your life as a non-doctor going?" I feel something press against me and when I look over I see Nala trying to eavesdrop and she moves away when I catch her with a smirk on my face.

"You can hardly say that I'm not doing my job. Two out of the two flights that we went on ended in me having to be called out of my seat."

"Your life must be such a struggle," Randall says in a sarcastic voice.

"Only when you ask about it, old man."

"So, where're you headed today?"

"We have a flight to Oregon today and then we're back in California for the holidays."

"You gonna come visit me?"

"That couch in your room is calling my name."

"It looks so much better without your lazy body lying on it. I'll see you when you surprise me with outside food."

"Of course."

"Have fun with your lady friend!"

"Randall," I start but he hangs up and I shake my head.

"You're gonna visit Randall for the holidays?" Nala asks me and I nod my head.

"I'm the only family he's got." We might not actually be related, but he's like another grandpa/ best friend. "Are you visiting your family for the break?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"My mom and dad went on a vacation. I told them that I would figure out something to do so they could get out."

"Well, you could come with me, wherever that may be."

"You're not visiting your family?"

"They don't traditionally celebrate holidays so it's a sort of wait and see type of thing. So technically, I'm not so sure yet."

"Sure, that sounds like fun," she says with a smile and snuggles up to my side as the plane takes off.

I wake up to the tap of the flight attendant giving me a wide smile and I sigh as I think about how someone could possibly get hurt on such a short flight. But, when I look out the window I see that we landed and realize that Nala and I are the last ones on the flight and I let out a happy sigh and nod my head as I wake Nala up.

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