20| Curls

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"You know the weirdest part about all of this?" Nala asks quietly as I watched the sun come up through the window of the airplane as we started to descend in Australia.

"What's that?" I asked her and turned my head to look at her.

"That I can't go to my best friend and talk about the cute guy that I kissed last night because he happens to be the cute guy. And that I can't talk to someone like Isla or Alex because they think that we're already dating and to have our first kiss would be a strange conversation with them," She rushed out quickly what she wanted to say and then looked down at our hands that I didn't even realize were interlocked.

"Not trying to pry, but woah." We both looked to our right to which I hadn't even noticed was sitting a woman in the three seated row we were in.

"Did you hear all of that?" Nala asked and the woman nodded her head, looking between us back and forth. "Okay well..." Nala turned back to me and shoved her hand in my face, turning it back to the window view "look at the window for a little while Noah." I assume she turned back to the woman as she let out a sigh.

"You two are awfully cute," the woman giggled and Nala joined in. "You can tell me what's eating at you, I mean we are stuck here until the plane lets us out." Nala let out a huge sigh again.

"Okay, so we're part of this group thing where-"

"Nala, I can still hear you," I said, still looking at the window like she told me to.

"Noah, you lovable giant, shut it for a minute please?" I nodded my head and she continued "so this group thing we're a part of travels around and we do adventurous stuff. And this guy-" she holds up our interlocked hands and I shake my head in amusement as I continue to look out the window at the clouds getting higher as we got closer to the ground.

"-he was only supposed to join the group as my doctor. Oh! I have one leg by the way but that's just background details. So anyways one thing led to another we told the group we were dating so that this girl wouldn't flirt with him and so that we could really just focus on the adventures because that's really all I planned on doing when joining and now badda bing badda boom everyone thinks we're dating and we share a room but that's alright no big deal. So, time has passed and now he's my best friend but like... I don't know. Your heart isn't supposed to speed up this way for friends, right?" She asked quietly and I swear I leaned back a tiny bit to hear her better.

"Did you two do any non-friend stuff?" The woman asked.

"There's been moments here and there. But, when the clock struck twelve today we kissed."

"Was it good?"

"Better than good," I began to nod but froze in my seat.

"And you two haven't talked about it since?"

"We didn't have time. Our friends basically rushed us back to the hotel to pack our stuff for the flight today and then we both fell asleep. We basically haven't had time alone until right now and he just woke up from his nap."

"So, you like him?" The woman asked and I cleared my throat.

"I really like her," I spoke up and Nala gasped.

"Noah! You're not supposed to be listening!" The sound of the woman chuckling stopped our voices.

"You two are the funniest people I have ever met. I don't know why you two are so confused about anything if both of your feelings are reciprocated. I mean, you both feel the same way so why don't you just see where it goes from here?" She asked and I turned back to Nala and our eyes locked just like our hands were and the feeling of the plane hitting the ground made us bump a little.

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