07| Ice

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Nala dragged her body behind me as I walked onto the plane.

"Not a morning person huh?"

"Not all of us sleep 3 hours and feel perfectly fine you weirdo." She grumbled as he took her bag and pushed it into the overhead compartment.

"Hey! I think I've slept at least 24 hours in the past couple of weeks give or take." I say chuckling as she scoots into the seat next to the window. "Besides now we can get to do an actual adventure instead of just staring at a warm volcano." She rolls her eyes as she snuggles into her seat.

"Alright, everyone. Meet me in front of the terminal after the flight. See you all in Colorado!" Tim says as he walks farther back in the plane.

"Why do you two get to sit in the front?" McKenna asks sassily and I let out a sigh. I'm in my thirties, why the hell is there an annoyingly clingy girl in my presence.

"He's a doctor, they want him close in case they need him. And I need the extra legroom you doofus" Nala sighs out and McKenna rolls her eyes as she walks to the back.

"Oh, I hope she trips and you aren't anywhere to help her."

"Nala!" I gasp out, holding in a chuckle.

"I said trip. Don't act like it's that bad of a condition." She chuckles out and leans her head on my shoulder. "Now shut it so I can go to sleep." I can't help but smile as I get more comfortable and am slowly whisked away by sleep as well.

"Mr. Eloy?" A voice pulls me out of my rest.

"Doctor Eloy." I fix them in a groggy voice then rub my eyes to wake myself up. "Sorry. I paid too much in tuition to get that damn title." I look up and see one of the flight attendants who gives me a sad smile.

"Yeah yeah. Give me a second." I say as I gently remove Nala's head from my shoulder and bundle up my hoodie and put it on the window, resting her head on it as to not wake her.

"Where's the damage?" I ask and the attendant brings me to the back of the plane. I catch the attention of a few people from the group looking at me, but I can't answer the questions in their eyes.

A man a little younger than me sits on the floor in the back of the plane as his girlfriend, I assume, sits on the floor hugging him.

I catch the sight of Jeremy and Isla sitting across the aisle looking over curiously.

"What's up?" I ask the couple on the floor as I move to sit across from them. A few more curious onlookers stare in my direction and I can practically feel Jeremy's gaze burning a hole in my head from the curiosity. "I'm Doctor Eloy." I introduce myself to the two and survey what I assume the problem is.

He is holding onto his shoulder with one hand while his girlfriend is actually trying to keep it in place, not hugging him.

"Well..." He begins but I cut him off.

"How did you dislocate your shoulder on a moving airplane?" I asked, inching closer to survey his arm.

"I went to get my girlfriend's bag from the overhead compartment and it moved while the plane shifted and it fell on me and I fell on my shoulder. Can you fix it?" He winces from the pain and his girlfriend's face mimics it.

"Easy. Lie down." He looks at me with worry in his eyes as I gesture to the floor as the plane rocks a little and I take a deep breath.

"You don't look too happy" The guy mumbles and I can't help but chuckle.

"Was taking a nap, bro. Besides I would have liked to cut someone open instead of popping a bone back in place." I say as I take his arm and hold it in place.

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