09| Skis

334 15 4

"Up and Adam guys! Or is it atom? Add em? At em?" Alex's voice comes from outside our door, but I choose to ignore him.

"Kill him." Nala groans.

I can't help but chuckle a little and slowly open my eyes, taking in my surroundings and gasp at the sight.

"Nala! You're spooning me! And you yelled at me not to cuddle!" I couldn't help but let out a bark of laughter as I look behind me to see her reaction.

Nala raises an eyebrow and opens her eyes slowly to see her arms around my waist and I can't help the body shaking chuckles that tumble out of me as she rolls away from me and hops out the bed.

"Shut up," she mumbles as she grabs her leg and puts it back on, walking to the bathroom. "Don't even act like your hands weren't holding mine in place!" She yells from the bathroom and I shake my head in amusement as I walk to the door.

"I didn't say I didn't like it Nala. I just feel like I should have been the big spoon." I call out and I look at Alex's disgusted face when I pull the door up.

"I feel like I just walked in on my parents saying disgusting stuff." He says and I grin at him.

"You don't need to know what Ma and Pa are doing at night, Son," I say as my eyes grab attention to the chestnut curl that bounces down onto my forehead and my eye can't stray from looking at it.

"Alright, no thanks!" Alex calls behind him as he walks away. "I'm going to go make new friends, you're gross Old Man!"

"Old man my ass," I mumble as I shut the door and spin on my heel.

"You are an old man," Nala says with a shake of her head as she walks over to her suitcase.

"Nala, I'm 3 years older than you." I defend, with my hands on my hips.

"Noah, you're in your early thirties. I'm young and hip in my twenties." She says and I shake my head as I head to the bathroom.


"Hey, Pops!" Alex says as we get off of the bus and start walking to the cabin near the mountains that hold all the equipment to ski with.

"Pops?" Nala asks and looks between the two of us.

"I feel as though you guys are my 'on the road' parents," Alex says with a childlike grin and Nala shakes her head and laughs. My eyes linger on her form for a little longer than necessary and I notice the way she keeps tucking her chin into her jacket.

"I don't think you understand the age difference thing, but whatever floats your boat." My eyes wander to her shivering form and she catches my glare from the corner of her eyes and snaps her head towards me.

"Can I help you, Noah?"

"Your face and neck are cold because you don't have your scarf and hat on." I point out and look at her chattering teeth as she tries to clamp them shut and give me a stoic face she is obviously failing.

I've also noticed the way that she keeps her body moving at all times and keeps constantly checking her pulse but I choose not to comment on it.

We have a staring contest for what feels like forever but is probably only a couple of minutes before I pull out her hat and scarf from my jacket pockets. While she was rushing me out of the room I noticed she left all of her warm materials on the table and quickly shoved them into my pockets. She doesn't notice until I pull the hat over her head and her impassive face turns into a soft smile. I wrap the scarf around her neck softly and nod my head at the sight.

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