14. 𝙙𝙢

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reggieisahackernot to be weird but u are the girl talking tovinnie right ? i meandating

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not to be weird but u
are the girl talking to
vinnie right ? i mean

yes ?

oh wait are u his
little brother

yes so i have a

ask away

why tf did u get w

😂😂idk i just did
i mean he's really

okay and when are
we gonna meet u
tho ?

idk. i don't live in WA

wait really ?


where from


that's far high key

ikr sadly but maybe
soon i could idk i'm not
too worried atm

u aren't


why not

well vinnie and i
recently started dating
a few weeks ago

deadass bruh


damnnn my mom wants
to meet u. vinnie
finally showed a pic
of u and she loves u

wait really

ahh i love your guys mom

oh i heard vinnie
doesn't shut ab u

that's cute

is and isn't

but i lowkey just wanted
to know who i were and
we don't speak of our
convo to vinnie cause
ion want to get bullied

i got u dude

nice talking to u tho

u too

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