3. 𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚

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tiktok bf

tiktok girlfriend

tiktok bf
okay so this will
sound really creepy
but uhh what state
are you in

tiktok girlfriend
u aren't wrong...

that is pretty creepy

michigan hby

tiktok bf

okay that's what u
meant by oof

where tf is michigan
that's like a state u
think doesn't exist
cause no one talks ab
it, is it in the country.
wait are u country ?

tiktok girlfriend
oh hell no. don't ever
insult me like that again

tiktok bf
how is that insulting

tiktok girlfriend
i'm not from the south,
whatsoever. also michigan
is in the north. i hate
country music and country
ppl piss me off and make
me cringe.

tiktok bf
that's descriptive

why do u not like country
ppl also is there any sort
of acceptation to them

tiktok girlfriend
cause they're just annoying.
nothing like the movies

why u wanna know ? are u
a country dude or cowboy

tiktok bf
wait they aren't ?!

and no. DoNt EvEr InSuLt
Me LiKe ThAt AgAiN

tiktok girlfriendyou're awfully rude

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tiktok girlfriend
you're awfully rude

tiktok bf
joking right ?

tiktok girlfriend
i guess so

fn ?

we never got to play before

i just want to beat someone
today and all my friends
decided they had sum better
to do lol

tiktok bf
yeah let's play

also don't get too cocky i
don't want you crying when
i smoke your ass

tiktok girlfriend
take your own advice

tiktok bf
suree okay

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