7. 𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚

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tiktok bf
i like this. it's fun

tiktok girlfriend
lmao i feel bad ab
doing it

tiktok bf

on another note
how long do you
think it will take
for them to find
out who i am

tiktok girlfriend
um idk someone
said they follow
you so not long

tiktok bf
i read that

tiktok girlfriend
gosh you stalking me ?

tiktok bf
i can't exactly comment
w out raising suspicion

tiktok girlfriend
but you should

tiktok bf
oh i should

tiktok girlfriend
but anyways how was
your day

tiktok bf
it's been pretty good,

tiktok girlfriend
same same, tell me
ab your day

tiktok bf
why lol ? ppl don't
normally ask that, not
trying to be rude

tiktok girlfriend
oh no i get u. it's just
i like to ask ppl ab
their day. idk i feel
like it makes it seem
like i actually care,
which i do ofc

tiktok bf
that's cute honestly

tiktok girlfriend

anyways... tell me
about it

tiktok bf
nothing really excited
happened. i went out
with the fam for my
moms birthday we
surprised her and she

tiktok girlfriend
awh it's her birthday
and that's so cutee

tiktok bf
yeah it is

tiktok girlfriend
tell her i said happy
birthday, even tho
i don't know her

tiktok bf
can i just say i will
and then not tell her
bc i don't want her to
ask a lot of questions

tiktok girlfriend
no tell her pls ! she
deserves it.

tiktok bf
i will only do it bc
you're nice

tiktok girlfriend
yes, i knew you loved
me enough

tiktok bf
she said thanks and
now she's asking a lot
of questions

she just asked if— nvm

tiktok girlfriend
what did she ask vinnie

tiktok bf
i said nvm

tiktok girlfriend
idc, you started to
say something. what
was it

tiktok bf
it's upsetting lowkey

tiktok girlfriend
it is oh, do tell

tiktok bf

tiktok girlfriend
please vinnie

tiktok bf

i said my girlfriend
said happy birthday,
and i knew the minute
it came out of my mouth
it was a mistake bc she
started to freak out and
she asked when can she
meet u and i—😭😭

tiktok girlfriend
wait that's cute ! omg
she's a bean. i need to
meet her. im buying a
plane ticket on jah

tiktok bf
that's funny ahaha

tiktok girlfriend
no for real vinnie if
i could i would, just to
meet your mom

tiktok bf
wait for real ?

tiktok girlfriend
for real

tiktok bf
okay marry me tf
a girl that's beautiful,
funny, invested in
my days, and already
loves my mom without
meeting her, that's a wife

tiktok girlfriend
oh god go away w your
corny ass self

tiktok bf changed
"tiktok girlfriend" to
my wife

my wife
go away🤦🏻‍♀️

tiktok bf

my wife changed
"tiktok bf" to
corny ass kid

corny ass kid
i expected that

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