Chap. 33

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Sarah's POV

Finals were going to be the end of me.

Even with the extension granted by the dean, I was still struggling to focus on my studying when my mind was everywhere else.

Aubrey had been quizzing me up until she'd had to leave for work, and now I was trying to quiz myself whilst also trying not to think about Adam's radio silence and Joel's first week in rehab, and my dad's declining health.

I let my head fall back on my pillow with a sigh, my eyes flickering shut as I tried to, once again, clear the never-ending thoughts about everyone else but me.

As much as I needed to prioritize myself, I couldn't help but check my phone.


I hadn't heard from Adam since I picked him up from the airport in the middle of the night. I'd even tried reaching out to Terrence, with nothing in response.

Clearly whatever Adam was going through, he didn't feel the need to clue me in.

I'd desperately wanted to actually talk to him since that night at my brother's, since that stupid kiss.

The kiss had ruined everything.

A knock came on my door, and my eyes fluttered open in confusion.

Aubrey was closing tonight, so she wouldn't be home until early morning. And even so, she had a key.

I pushed myself up, glancing at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing one of Joel's old wrestling shirts and a pair of Mickey Mouse pajama shorts, that I think had once belonged to Ryan. Or Caden.

Perks of having older brothers? I never had to buy pajamas. I just stole their old clothes.

I slowly opened the door, peeking outside to see who the hell was knocking on my door at 10:00 at night.

And I was more than surprised to see Adam on the other side.

I quickly threw open my door as I took in his state. His eyes were red-rimmed, and he was slightly swaying.

He held out a pair of car keys toward me. "Please take these."

I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into my dorm room. I guided him to my bed, wordlessly dropping his keys in my nightstand drawer.

"Sit," I said, easing him down onto my bed.

He didn't smell of alcohol.

"I'm sober," he said, his voice quiet and hoarse. "For now."

"What's going on?"

His shoulders slumped over, and I took his shaking hands in mine.

"I'm sorry that I came," Adam said.

I quickly shook my head. "I'm here for you. Always."

And then he began to cry.

I didn't begin to understand what was going on, but I continued to run my hands over his.

"You're safe here," I whispered. "You're okay."

I'm not sure how long we stayed like that, me kneeling next to Adam as his shoulders shook and his body trembled.

I hated seeing him so broken.

Adam's hands tightened around mine. "Kiss me."

I shook my head. "Distraction isn't always the answer."

"Distract me."

"Talk to me."

He finally looked up at me, tears brimming in his eyes. "I have a dead brother."

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