Chapter 35 - And In Hell....I Mean Health

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So why the one-way ticket, huh? And if it's something urgent, then why not fly straight there from New York? Why come back to Georgia only to fly out two weeks later?

And why didn't she have any luggage with her?

So many fucking maybe's and why's!


Unc will know. After all, she only left him this morning. And the flight booking was dated yesterday. Yeah, he obviously knows about it.

Grabbing my phone I turned it on. See a shitload of messages and missed calls. Eight of them from him alone over the last hour.

Panic overtook me once more.

"Unc, it's Norm. Is everything Ok? Are you alright? "

"Praise Jaysus, boyo. It's about time ye called back. We've been climbing the feckin walls. Fin rang Ninny this afternoon, but when she answered the line went dead as a dodo."

"They tried callin her back and got no answer. Then Teddy called me in a feckin panic. And I've been calling ye in a feckin panic"  His voice sounded so scared....and old.

"Her phone got smashed, Unc. She...."  Couldn't stop the sob coming out of my mouth

Unc went quiet, while I attempted to get my shit together again.

Trying to think of the gentlest way to tell him. Started praying that his wonky ticker would be able to handle it. Jeezus, I shoulda rung Ed's or Win first. Got them to be with him while I break the news.

"God, I'm such a silly fecker! Of course. She'll be on the plane coming back to New York by now, eh. Are ye  alright, Norm?"  He whispered contritely.


"No, Fin is...."

"Ye sound pretty shook up, lad. I take it she told yer everything about her decision before she left. Hope yer didn't come down on her too hard, Norm. Weren't her fault....we're to blame not her."

"Tried telling her that but yer know what she's like. Stubborn little divil."

I wonder which side of the family she gets that from?

"Had meself this feelin about ye both, and I pushed as hard as anyone else. Because I got it set in me thick head that it was meant to be....but I was wrong."

"Yes, she went and fell in love with yer. Good and proper, like a woman should for her man. Can't blame her for that. Just as I'll never blame ye....for not lovin her back in the same way."


"Sorry, Unc. Bad signal so I didn't quite catch that. Can you ummmm....repeat what you just said?"  That heart in my mouth was now fixing to explode.

And when he did as I detonated.

"Unc, I'm just gonna move a little bit to get a better reception. Gimme a minute?"

I pressed mute, carefully put the cell down on the kerb and slowly got to my feet.


If I was in the Olympics I would've won a gold medal for multiple standing high jumps. My body bounced around like it was on a trampoline. Arms windmilled in pure joy as I screamed my head off.

Scared the crap out of some folk who emerged from the hospital. They gave me a very wide berth on the way to their vehicles.

"She loves me....Skip loves me too!"  I babbled crazily at them and they all but fled through the carpark.

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin