"Well, uhmmm..." I thought for a second. "It's like a best friend but more. It's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else; that someone who makes you a better person. No, they actually don't make you a better person; you do that by yourself because they inspire you. A soul mate is someone you carry with you forever. It's one person who knew you, accepted you and believe in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you'll always love them and no one could ever change that." I smiled. She was awe struck as her mouth was hanging open. Before she could said a word, I added; "That was from Dawson's Creek."

"Ohh... I haven't seen that show." she answered. "I couldn't believe you memorised it."

"That's what you get when your life is complicated." I sighed.

She wiped her lips with a napkin. "Is that definition applied to someone else at the moment?"

"What?...No." I answered. "No one at all."

"Are you sure?" she teased, quirking her left eyebrow.

" Yup. 100% sure." I said.

She eyed me for a second and she leaned back comfortably on her chair. "Boys...Boys...Clueless as always." She sang.

"What do you mean?" I asked really confused.

"You'll see what I mean." She answered.

I rolled my eyes and we finished our drinks and went shopping.


Thursday night, I invited Veronica to come with me to No Limits to meet Daniel, Dianne and Alex.

Veronica was pretty keen and feisty to meet and mingle with the group right after I told her the plan for that night.

I picked her up at her condo and drove our way to the bar. She was dressed in formal which is a bit ironic to me for a supermodel; she was wearing a black long wig that hid her blonde wavy hair, and a heavy make-up opposite to what she wear as supermodel. I asked her about the heavy makeup to which she just shrugged off and answered "Oh ...just to scare pervert guys. They don't wanna mess with Maleficent do they?"

Daniel's group agreed to meet at the bar around 5:00 pm because no one could manage to stay late due to heavy workload of university.

When I parked our car, I saw Max at door putting the "CLOSE" sign. I walked towards him, Veronica trailing behind me and approached the guy. "Why are we closing?"

Max turned to face me with an interesting glare. "Dianne was talking about a supermodel coming today and she wanted to make it exclusive." He said cheerfully. "So.... Where is she?"

"Where is who?" I asked dumb founded.

"The super model" he huffed dramatically. "Dianne said she was coming with you."

Veronica was sniggering behind me while listening to my manager's dramatic scene.

"That would be me mister..." she took off her wig and revealed her wavy blonde hair. However, she looked like blonde Maleficent with her heavy makeup on. She must have seen Max's confused face and so she explained about the entire disguised thing. Max wasn't convinced at first, but he led us inside of the bar where Daniel, Alex and Dianne were merrily chatting on a table.

Veronica went straight to the toilet to fix her make-up and to remove all the disguise materials hanging on her. She did really look like Maleficent minus the crow.

Daniel's glare landed on me and he smiled widely. I tried to smile back while my heart started to pound heavily in my chest. The other two noticed me right after Daniel stood up and walked over to me.

ANGEL...O? (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now