𝓓.𝓲.𝓽.𝓓 ▰Chapter 12▰

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Sally and I sit inside Club Pryde that night, an alleyway backdoor club. 125 Parade Way, to be precise, a couple of doors down from the Zenith base. I had not told Sally that she was about to meet the Zenith Patrol.

And I was nervous to introduce them to her, but if I was insane – then I needed a second and sound opinion.

"So that's basically what I want," Sally slaps out a palm on the private booth table, sipping from a cocktail, "Hellcats," she winks, "You like it, Ariel?" I'll be honest, I hadn't really listened to a single word of what she said thus far. I was too rattled since Dale's diagnosis under an hour ago. Clinically Insane. Hits around this age. Double dose, "...sis? 'ello?"

"Hi, Sal' yes, I'm listening, thanks for coming out with me," I ramble quickly, checking the crowd and the exits again – but still no Zeniths.

Surely, they saw me come in here.

"...Ariel," Sally snaps, "You didn't listen at all."

"To what?" I ask.

"My idea about the Hellcats," Sally snaps.

Huh? "What?" I furrow my brows, "Sorry, I – missed it. I wasn't... listening. I'm just a bit distracted..."

"Are you okay, why are you so nervous, Ariel?" Sally leans back in her booth, dropping her cocktail and playing with her Tracer Bracelet instead, spinning it around and around her wrist while glaring at me.

"I really need your opinion," I lean forward, "On some... guys. But I need you to stay unbiased for tonight, don't react and just tell me what you think of them."

"Wait... do you mean... the attackers?" Sally's face pales.


She wasn't meant to freak out already.

"Wait, wait, I promise they won't hurt you," I grab Sally's hands with mine, "I promise. Because you're my sister and my friend."

"Listen to yourself, one of them killed Bl –" I let her hands go and look down, guilty after the fact, "Ari... why are you on their side?"

"I'm not," I hiss, looking up at Sal' – freezing when at the corner of my eye, I see Wade standing right against our both, just behind Sally, his arm up and leaning on the stained glass behind her. He's smiling at me as he waits for me to continue my response without stumbling on my own words, "Look. Sal'. It's complicated," I answer my sister as honestly as I can, "It's just – complicated."

"Geez, Ariel. How big is this guy's dick?" Sally makes the dry joke, but I blush hot pink – and I can't help but look up at the silent Wade, while the rest of his group are grabbing drinks from the bar.

Sally turns around to see who I'm looking at and she leans so far back she almost topples, but then hides her slip by shuffling back along the couch.

It's not exactly hard to work out who he is, since he's wearing soldier's gear.

"Didn't mean to scare you," Wade starts, a little awkwardly, when he glances from Sally, to me, blinking, exasperated as he asks, "...you brought your sister...?" oh – he's, he's angry at me.

I blink back, opening my mouth.

What was wrong with that?

I glance at Sally and she's speechless, simply heading to my side and leaning into my shoulder, grabbing my hand tight for reassurance.

"She's like my best friend," I answer Wade, also a little awkward.

"I'm like, your worst enemy right now," Sally growls at me, digging her nails into my hand. She disapproves already. Of me? Wade? Both of us? My heart drops into my stomach. I mean – wait, I didn't realise I had been hoping for her approval. And to get a negative response already... I felt rejected... again. First Wade. Then my father. Then my aunt. Now my sister.

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