𝓓.𝓲.𝓽.𝓓 ▰Chapter 6▰

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2 weeks later [a purposefully ambiguous setting]


"Rundown," Irving looks at me and is expectant of the best ambush plan. I don't smile, I sneer with my rising energy, my hair stands on end and my mouth waters as I think...

"We're not Trojan horsing this shit, no gifts, only brutal ass fucking for the enemy," I smirk at Irving, who's grown out his hair, long and blonde, hiding the cruel bastard underneath the gold, "We're getting right into the middle," I glance at Terrel, aka 'Terror', a Zenith bent on a messy bloody breakfast every day, "We're making a boom," I turn to Micha, who picks his teeth with his nails, while his hands are covered in soot from his own tests.

"Explosives?" Terrel laughs, smirking happily.

"No, you fool, we're not going in to kill like that... at least not yet..." I start laughing and I can't stop, thinking of the bloodshed.

Irving grins, understanding my humour. Micha just nods and taps his foot repeatedly, waiting for the details.

It's coming, it's coming...

"Intimidation. Disbandment," Irving guesses and blinks slow, "Right? Continue."

"We go in for the rapid kill," I bark out, "We're taking over the city in under twelve hours. When the sun rises tomorrow morning, we'll be top dogs... easy."

"You've had 6 months to plan with intel," Micha tilts his head, "How do we create irreparable discord in Frankincense City, in just twelve hours, Wade?"

I throw up my hands and nod down to the pictures laid out, the targets.

"We ain't going in slow," I snarl, "I've surveyed every one of these mother fuckers, you have these girls, Strawberry, Raven, Blue... they're one team..." I point to each one, "...we have STRIKE... the freak, the pretty one, the inked one, and... " I pause sharply as I look at Ariel's father, Dale, she shares many of his traits, the striking purple eyes, the cold glance that lights up when a loved one enters the room, the arrogant fucking feline grace... ooo... I couldn't wait to steal his beloved daughter and make her my little bitch again.

"Wade?" Micha prompts me.

I keep pointing to the pictures, wiping away my drool. Now for the strike that will hit hardest, "We kill this one immediately... it'll draw her in, which will make them flock forward. In the midst of panic, Irving – you haul off our cat girl... Terror... you make another bitch scream but not from imminent death, just some permanent damage, Micha – gas them all like crazy. I want them down while we burn the city. Mark our territory. We disappear, we stain the walls with the logo we've engineered. We rally, every citizen, into our hands. We advertsie the 'murder' as his fault..." I point to Dale, "Let's get started. Who's ready to get fucked?"

"One last thing," Micha holds up a hand, "You speak of fucking. The cat girl... Ariel... will she even remember us?"

"I fucked her for 12 hours straight and you're telling me she'll forget who we are?" I have to snarl in his face, outraged, "Are you fucking stupid?"

"Just asking the question, General Wade," Micha barks back at me, and Irving wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me back into his chest, to snarl happily in my ear.

"I'm on your fucking wave length, we fuck tonight with that bitch; I'm sure she misses us," Irving unhands me, and I stand back, staring at Terrel loading up on guns and gas. Micha shakes his head.

"You hear anything else about Ariel?" Micha keeps pushing his luck. I had been quiet about her mostly... because I didn't know much... truly... I just wanted to fucking see her again.

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