Chapter 28

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Jonah's POV (day of wedding)

He felt as if a part of his soul had been stolen from him. He missed his best friend and he also let her marry some stranger who she'd only recently introduced them to. She looked so ... off when she was standing on the podium. He couldn't quite put a finger on it but something didn't sit well with Jonah.

He left the wedding quickly and headed to the warehouse. Things were lazily placed everywhere when he go there. He picked up the burner phone that he left on the desk. He called his boss and urgently needed to speak with him.

"What is it Jonah!?," the mans thick Russian accent spoke through the phone.

"Sir... the Italian head. His name ... what's his name sir?," he asked waiting for his boss to reveal very important information.

"Not to many people know him, he lives a very private life yet he's a damn billionaire."

Jonahs blood ran cold. Shit. He hoped this wasn't going in the direction it was going in.

"He's that rich playboy- uh Seth Cancino," he mumbled deeply.

"Shit. Sir, your daughters marrying him today," Jonah stated. The line went silent before his bosses deep laughs filled the other end.

"My daughter sure knows how to handle things."

"Sir, I think she's unaware of who he really is."

"Nonsense. I've told her stories of the Cancino family ever since she was a little girl, she knows all good and well what he's capable of. I'm just a little surprised I wasn't aware of this."

"Sir... you speak with your daughter?"

"No.. not regularly. But she does tell me things that I need to know. I don't know why she felt as if this wasn't something worth mentioning."

"Maybe she's actually in Love," Jonah muttered. His feelings clouding his judgment.

"No, shes smarter than that. I don't know what game she's playing but it doesn't matter. She'll be back home with me, in no time."


"Don't come back! I'm tired of your bullshit lies Holly! Nessa was always better than you! She'll always be better than you!," he yelled angrily at his cheating Girlfriend.

She didn't bat an eyelash as she gathered her things and fled her ex-boyfriends house. Jonah couldn't and didn't feel good. He made a mistake. He chose Holly, he always continued to choose Holly when Nessa was always there.

Jonahs life was slowly unraveling and he felt like he was spiraling. He felt like he was losing his mind. He finally ended things with Holly .. for good!

And on top of that, it was all a lie. Everything.

"Vanessa sure knows how to fucking lie," Jonah muttered drinking from his dark whiskey. He thought back to his phone call with his boss earlier.

"Sir, what do you mean?," Jonah asked.

"Hee-young is a smart girl, or- Vanessa as you call her. I have people working on the inside. The Cancino's are lousy, Seth gets being an awful boss from his father. He doesn't even suspect some of the closest men to him."

"Wait- boss. I don't-," Jonah was completely confused.

"Vanessa- I was made aware that Seth was holding her captive as soon as it happened. At first I was simply going to go and retrieve her from the guy." He paused to catch his breath. 

"But after I learned what he proposed I knew it was too good to be true."

Jonah still didn't follow what his boss was going on about.

"You see son, the man asked my daughter for her hand in marriage. He stated something along the lines of needing a wife to gain the most important part of his fathers company."

Jonah should've known. He should've suspected. He felt like an even bigger idiot than he already was.

"I talked to her. One of my men met with her one night and I was able to speak with my child. We agreed for her to go along with it. To play the role as the damsel in distress and ultimately 'fall in love' with Seth and marry him."

Jonah couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was too good to be true.

"If today was her wedding I guess the plan went accordingly. I knew he would buy it. I just hope my child's own emotions aren't blinding her from what's real and what's not."

Jonah still didn't believe what he heard. It all seemed crazy.

Vanessa fooled Seth in his own game. She tricked everyone else as well. Did her brother even know the truth?

There were so many unanswered questions. So many things that Jonah needed answers to.


This chapter is a lot shorter than some of the previous chapters. I hope you all are ready for the finale.

One more chapter to go!

Excuse any typos and errors!

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