Chapter 15

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After I finally gotten dressed I now laid in bed with the sheets pulled up over my head. I wiggle to the surface and look up at Seth pacing back and forth. "What are you doing?" He stops and frantically starts running his hands through his hair. "My dad's coming home tomorrow, he wants to have a family dinner."

"What's so bad about that? It's just a dinner with your dad and family." I say biting my nails. While he's gone out to his family dinner I'll stay here sleeping. "Your coming with me, I hope you know that," he breaths out.

"Ok? That's not so bad," I say calmly and cool but on the inside I slowly start freaking out. "I guess your right, maybe I am over reacting."

Wait... maybe she's not over reacting. He has a reason for acting like that in the first place... right? "What's your dad like?," I ask changing topics. He stops pacing and looks at me. "He's a nice person truly, but... he comes off as an ass when you first meet him."

I nod my head and start scratching the back of my neck. I feel warm all over and my body starts to sweat. "Uhhhhhhhhh," I scream frustrated. Seth gives me a genuinely confused look and stares at me concerned. I fan my face but nothing stops me from becoming more hot by the second. I rip off my shirt and trow it frustratedly at the ground. I get from under the sheet and sit on top.

In a quick second, Seth is on top of me. "What are you doing?," I laugh and struggle with his heavy- beautiful self on top of me. "You make things so hard for me," he whispers into my ear. "Get off of me you big ogre!," I giggle like a child.

"Did you just call me an ogre? I should say that to you! You should see the way you scarf down food!," he teases, acting hurt because I called him a ogre. "That's not fair, food is amazing! I can't help it."

I laugh and he rolls off of me. "Don't worry, ok? We'll work everything out together. It will be fine," I say. I sound more like I'm trying to convince myself rather than him.

I crawl back to the top of the bed and get under the sheets. He follows my actions and gets in as well he turns off the lamp and we're left in the dark. I find myself snuggled up on his bare chest. My stomach pressed to his.

I flutter my eyes open and find myself in a different position then how I fell asleep. I was practically laying on top of him. His hand rested perfectly on my ass. I rubbed my eyes and sat up straddling him. I poked his chest. I watched it rise and fall as he breathes. I poke him again and this time his eyes flutter open. I smile at his sleepy figure.

"You look so beautiful in the morning," his voice sends chills down my spine. His deep, rich, smooth voice sounds extremely sexy in the morning. Wow! I just woke up and he's already turned me on.

I punch him playfully on the chest and chuckle. "I wish I would say the same to you buddy." He pouts cutely and looks up at me. He leans in closer and I back away. "Oh no you don't mister, I need to go brush my teeth."

What? I don't like kissing people when I have morning breath. I get off of him and walk to the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush and put on toothpaste. I brush my teeth and exit the bathroom. Seth was still in bed but now sitting up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. I walk to the dresser and find a shirt to put on.

"Damn. I was enjoying that." I turn to see a smirk plastered on his face. I blow him a kiss and walk out of the room. I pull down my shorts and find Brandon's room. I knock and wait for a response. When he never answers I enter the room.

Clothes scattered everywhere, His bed wasn't made and the widow was wide open. I walk over to the window and see a latter dangling from the window. My heart starts to race. Did he sneak out? Was he kidnaped? Is he safe?

I rush out of his room and go across the hall to Aiden's room. I find him snuggled up under the covers sleeping like an angel. I try to control my breathing but I end up panicking. I walk out of Aiden's room and go back into Seth and I's bedroom. "He's gone!" I cry. I wipe my tears from my eyes and walk towards Seth. "Who's gone?"

"B-Brandon," I cry into his bare chest. "How did he leave? Why... wait baby please explain."

"I went into his room-m and and there was a latter hanging from his window." I've been so emotional lately. What's wrong with me?

"I'm sure he's ok. He's probably having a teenage boy crisis or something." I shake my head violently. "His teenage boy phase should have passed, that's how he ended up with Aiden. I think something serious might be wrong. He acted all weird by the pool."

He wipes my tears from my face and gives me a reassuring look. "I'll send someone out to look for him, but right now. We have to focus on the dinner. I'm sure it's nothing... ok?"

He could be right but he could be oh so wrong.

Right now. I'm gonna pray for the best.

I hope you enjoyed.

I don't have much to say other than thanks for reading.

Until then happy readings...

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