Chapter 22

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The sun beamed on my face and I roll over and his grip on my waist tightens. "Five more minutes," he begs. I sigh and roll back off him.

After we danced under the moonlight he pulled me to a tree house hidden away. It's also a big ass tree house. We spent the night asking random questions and learning even more about each other.

"Do you have work today?," I mumble. He turns and faces me. Our noses almost touching; lips inches apart. His warm minty breath fanned my face as he said, "I don't have to."

A smile spreads across my lips then I replace it with a frown. "We should go back." His eyebrows knit together and he looks at me.

"Why? Let's have this day to ourselves."

That's an amazing idea but, this dude works a lot. "Ha your funny. You have a lot of work and I have a lot of tv to watch."

He rolls his eyes and rolls over on his side. "How about a compromise? Just an hour out in the town?," he says still with his back turned to me.

"Every time I'm out with you we're always getting fired at," I mutter. I'm trying so hard not to look into his piercing gaze. I know if I do, I'll melt.

"Vanessa. I know I haven't been doing the best job of keeping you safe. But I promise- no I swear on my life that I will protect you. I've handled everything ok?"

I couldn't find my voice. The only thing I could do was nod my head. I looked down at the sheets and avoided his gaze.

He lightly pulled my chin and made me face him. "I, Seth Cancino promise to protect you, Vanessa King until the day I die."

I smile and try to mask my surprise. I fumble out of bed and practically fall landing on my face.

"Ow," I mumble. I stand up and walk into the bathroom. "Mind if I join you?," He asks suggestively.

"No thanks. I don't think you'll like watching me poop anyways," I say sarcastically.

"Way to kill the mood Vanessa."

I giggle and enter the bathroom. I don't actually have to poop by the way. I suppose I should shower and brush my teeth.

After I'm done I grab a spare towel and wrap it around my body. I look through the drawers until I find a bunch of unopened toothbrushes. (There's like 100 of them.)

I grab one and quickly brush my teeth.

I exit the bathroom and Seth is no where in sight. "Seth?," I call out.

I looked around for him but I gave up shortly after. I looked through drawers and closets until I found a bunch of clothes. The door creaks open and I snap my head in that direction.

"Here- I got these for you," He says handing me some clothes. He didn't even look me in the eyes. He looked at his shoes like they were the most interesting thing on this planet.

I nod and take them with me back into the bathroom. I wanted to laugh at the face he was making. He rocked on the heels of his feet like a little kid would do, it was adorable.

His cheeks had a light pink tent to them and he looked cheesy.

I put the clothes on which consisted of an oversized t-shirt and some shorts. I hate when you can't see the shorts and it looks like your not wearing pants, yeah I can't do that. I tuck the shirt in and look in the mirror. It was a simple outfit but it looked good.

"What are we doing today?," I ask stepping out of the bathroom.

"Fun wedding stuff," he said dryly. The weird change in his mood made my mood change as well.

But he doesn't need to know that. "Are you alright?"

He snaps out of the trance he was in before and a small smile falls on his lips. He looks at me and nods. "Yeah I'm sorry. It's just something's happening with the Russians."

I nod. Not really wanting to know any further. This was one of his work related issues.

"Well, let's not let them get us down, let's go do wedding stuff."


"This ones too dry," Seth says dramatically gaging. I roll my eyes and look at the small girl in front of us. She's obviously scared shit-less of Seth. I mean, I was once too.

"I don't think this one is what we're looking for," I say politely to the girl. She nods and takes away our plates.

I turn my attention to Seth and smack his arm. "What the heck dude! She's terrified of you, your gonna make the girl pass out if you give her one more look."

He shrugs and smirks at me. "I'm sorry. It's a terrible habit but you know I just can't get rid of it. I like people to be afraid of me."

I huff releasing a breath. Seth was like a giant teddy bear, well to me he is.

"This is our most popular Russian honey cake."

This cake is just asking me to eat it. It reminds me of the summers I spent in Russia with my Papa.

"My grandma made this for me when I was a little girl," I say staring at the cake. The bittersweet memory made me think of my grandma. I loved her so much.

"Your grandma?," Seth asks looking at me now.

"My fathers mother. I'm half Russian," I say lowly. I don't know how he feels about that part.

"Oh. Why didn't you say anything sooner?" His jaw was clenched and a fire of fear and nerves erupted in my stomach. Oh no...

"It's not a big deal, I just- they didn't say anything about you being half Russian on that background check."

I nod and take a bite of the cake. A soft moan escapes my lips and my eyes flutter and close.

This obviously didn't compare to my grandmas but it was damn good. I open my eyes and Seth is staring at me with an unreadable look on his face.

"Our honeymoon. I forgot to mention we're going to Korea."

My eyes widen and I large smile spreads across my face. "I can't wait," I say hugging him tightly.

"I can't wait to finally make you mine neonata."


I don't have much to say. I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry for any mistakes.
Be sure to share and comment.

Until then happy readings.

Sorry for any mistakes!!

This was also basically a filler chapter.

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