Chapter 23

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A couple weeks later...

Get a grip. DAMMIT VANESSA GET A GRIP! I can't think straight. I cannot think straight!

The wedding. It's only a few days away. Seth and I have gotten everything under control but the stress is making me crazy.

"Hey! Nessa, calm down. They'll fix it just calm down," Brandon says holding my hand.

"The wedding is a few days away! They should've already had it done!," I yelled frustratedly at my brother. Scarlett looked down at the ground holding Aiden's little hand.

I look a shakey breath and composed myself. "I'm going home. I hope everything is fixed when I check in tomorrow," I say to the staff.

They nod and give me a forced smile. "Yes ma'am."

I exit the church and get into the truck. Seth was busy with work so he couldn't come with me check everything out. "Where are we off to ma'am?," Danny asks.

"The dress boutique," I mumble a knot forming in my stomach. The dresses were getting prepared; ironed, steamed, whatever they were doing.

This was happening way to fast.

I inhale again and try calming myself down.

"Vanessa? Are you ok?," Scarlett speaks up. I nod curtly and simply smile back. I hate to say it but Scarlett grew on me again. She's back and she's here to stay.

We got to the dress shop in no time. I pulled my shades down, that were resting on the top of my head.

I got out the car and rushed inside the store. My family right behind me. I didn't even pay attention to the paparazzi.

"Welcome, Ms. King, your dresses are ready. I'll have Stewart put these in the car for you. I need you to sign some papers."

The paperwork wasn't anything crazy. It was basically a survey type thing asking me questions.

"Thank you Ms. King, I wish you the brightest future as Mrs. Cancino."

I released a breath and nodded smiling. "Thank you."


I was sprawled out on the couch laying with my head on the pillow. "Ms. King. There's someone here to see you," a guard says.

I sit up and look at him. "Who is it?"

"A man named Jonah."

My breathing slightly stopped. I scrunched up my eyebrows and went out the front door. I walked down the stairs at the front of our house and went to the gate.

There he stood. His eyes we're red, his face pale, and his lips pink and plump. I opened the door for him and I gave him a friendly hug.

"Jonah. I haven't seen you in forever- what's wrong?," I say. We walked down the path that lead to the backyard.

"I wanted to see you. I needed to see you rather," he says stopping and looking at me.

I continue walking and he follows me. The sun was setting and Seth should be home any second.

"Well here I am," I said sarcastically, not on purpose though.

"Vanessa. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry that I let you down-"

I cut him off by shaking my head. "Jonah please-," I say sitting down at the bench.

"I should've told you my feelings that night instead of going with Holly."

That night stained my memory. We all sat down a the campfire. I had had one to many to drink and I slurred every word that came out of my mouth.

I didn't have any control.

I told Jonah what I had kept buried down for years. I told him I wanted him, that I've always wanted to be with him. I didn't care if he and Holly had just started their relationship I needed him to be with me, I wanted him to be mine.

"Jonah, If you said this to me maybe even a month ago. My feelings wouldn't have changed. I've loved you ever since high school. You're my best friend. I fought for your attention and I never got it. I was tired of chasing after you and I gave up. That night camping. I was drunk out of my mind. Years had passed since high school and I've moved on with my life."

I paused to catch my breath.

"And seeing you with Holly didn't bring back any old feelings, I'm sorry. I'm getting married. Whatever you have to say it's not going to change anything. I love him, it's crazy to think. But I love him. I can't imagine myself without him."

He sighs a small smile was on his lips. "At least I tried," he said bitterly. He stood up abruptly and gave me one final look before he left.

I got up as well and went inside my home.

"What did he want?," a voice boomed from behind me as I entered.

"He wanted to talk. He basically said he should've chosen me over Holly," I say turning to face him.

His face was blank and his lips were in a firm line. "What did you say?," he asks.

I frown. He wouldn't think I'd go back to him would he? "I said that it doesn't change anything."

Seth walked closer to me and placed his hands on my waist and put his forehead on mine. "Your mine Vanessa. He ever tries something like that I swear I'll kill him."

My chest tightened but I kept my gaze on the floor. "You won't do anything. It doesn't matter. I choose you, and I'd chose you over and over again. But when you say things like that, you kinda make me wanna change-," I said light heartedly.

He pulls my face up and looks into my eyes. His lips slam onto mine and I simply melt into his kiss.

I love the way he makes me feel.


I hope you enjoyed.

I'm sorry for any mistakes and errors.

Until then happy readings.

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