Chapter 10

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Why are some people so straight forward? It doesn't make sense. "Haha, no. We're not!" I laugh awkwardly. She just grins at me. She continues cutting until its actually evened out.

"Thank you so much," I say looking into the mirror. "No problem, you don't have to pay, this time." I smile and hop off the chair. Seth walks towards me smiling. "Now that that's taken care of why don't we head out to our date," he says grabbing my hand I hesitate for a second then I let my hand relax and take hold to his.

"Well have fun kids, but not too much fun," she says smirking and then winks at us. "Your sisters cool," I confess. He shakes his head and looks down at me. "That's far from it."

We leave the salon and I feel a certain pair  of eyes staring at me. I turn slightly and Amelia the supermodel staring angrily at us. Once she notices my look at her she instantly masks it and then waves and has a kind smile on her face. I laugh uneasy and wave back with my free hand.

She seems pretty two faced in my book. Once we reach the car he gets in and drives to where ever we're going. We sit in science for a while until Taste by Tyga comes on. I instantly turn my head and look at him. He looks at me then back at the rode.

"Don't do it," He says with amusement in his voice. I turn the song up loud and start singing the lyrics.

"Whole lotta styles, can't even pronounce the name
You ain't got no style, see you on my Instagram," I scream.

I look over to find him looking straight forward with a grin on his face. The song continues to play and the hook finally plays.

"Taste, taste, she can get a taste...Taste, taste, she can get a taste...Taste, taste, fuck what a say,"  I scream not saying all the words in the line.

"I didn't know you liked this kinda music." He says turning down the volume. "This is my shit," I say. I start to sink in my seat because of embarrassment. As soon as the song ends we pull up to a restaurant. Men in tux stand by the door. Seth gets out first and comes to help me out.

He throws the man the keys and he comes to park the car. We walk into the restaurant. The waiter walks us through the restaurant, The fancy marble tile floor and beautiful glass walls make this restaurant look expensive. The sun had started to set and I could see straight outside. The sky was faded and it looked as if the sky had been painted by an artist.

We reached a table in the back the floor was raised. Seth pulled out the chair for me to sit and I He say across from me. "Give us your best wine," He says. The man nods and hands us our menu. "This is amazing, all though I'm not one for fancy dinners. I mean McDonalds and Taco Bell make me happy," I say truthfully. He smiles at me. "You deserve the best."

My heart stops beating or maybe it's beating a mile faster. I don't deserve any of this. I bite my lip and mumble a 'thanks'.

The waiter comes back and pours us a glass of red wine. It's very sweet and the taste dances on my tongue. I haven't had good wine in a long time.

"Are you ready to order?" I nod and put my attention on the waiter. "I'll have the steak," Seth says. Of course he would want the steak, he's a meaty boy. "And for you mademoiselle?," He says now I hear a thick accent. "I'll take the chefs choice," I say.

"Great choice, today our chef has picked a Sicilian dish that is to die for, I'll be out with your orders shortly," he smiles and grabs our menus and hurriedly walks away.

"Here, you'll need this." Seth gives me a small box that makes my stomach turn. I open it revealing the large diamond. "Start wearing it so it gives the whole, 'we're getting married' effect." He says putting air quotes around 'we're getting married.'

I smile awkwardly and put the large rock on my finger.

"No that we're done with that our wedding is also gonna be on December 24, Christmas Eve."

I nod and take a big sip of the wine. "I also wanted to talk about my job," I say.
"What about it?," He asks siping his wine. He licks his lips to get the drop of wine off his perfect lips and stares into my eyes. That small gesture had made my insides turn. "Oh when can I go back?," I say.

"You don't need to go back," He says. "But my dad wanted me to take over his company," I say now frustrated. "What's his company?," He asks interested. "King and co. You know the jewelry stores everywhere," I sip the wine again wait for his response. "Speaking of which I was actually going to talk to your father to ask if we could partner up." He says smiling. "What is it that you own?," I ask now confused.

He laughs a little. "I have a lot of money. I sponsor small companies and then buy them and some stocks other companies as well." My moth forms an 'O' and I smile sheepishly.

"Next week in the beginning of the month you can go wedding dress shopping with who ever," He says. Next month is November. "I mean you don't have to, I just thought all girls like being bridezilla for their wedding day," He says awkwardly.

Yeah, but most girls are marrying the love of their life. Not someone they were forced with. "I suppose your right." I say.

"Sir your steak," the waiter suddenly appears and puts down a plate with a large steak. "Madam today the chef has recreated a Sicilian dish his grandmother made him as a child, I present you with Caponata, enjoy," and with that he disappears.

I swear I start drooling looking at the food. I lick my lips and look up at Seth. "Eat up," He says. I grab a fork and start devouring the food. I have no clue what I'm eating but it's delicious. I let a sound slip out of my mouth and instantly regret it. "I'll one day get to enjoy those sounds coming from you all to myself," he mumbles and takes a sip from his wine.

I disregard that comment and continue eating in the awkward and uncomfortable situation Seth has created.


Thank you guys so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment and vote. Tell your friends about this book as well and make sure to check out my other works as well.

I'm also sorry for misspelled words and mistakes!!!!

Until then happy readings!!!

TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY YAY happy birthday to me!!!!! (January 4th)

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