Chapter 1

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"What's your Name?" His voice is low almost, Deadly. "Please, I promise I don't know anything. I just found that place earlier."

"WHATS YOUR NAME!" He roars at me and I yelp, scared by his sudden change. "Vanessa King." I answer back my head hanging low.
"Vanessa King," He laughs lowly and then continues. "You're in a lot of trouble," he says getting off of the large chair, that's almost like a thrown. "What are you going to do to me?," I ask suddenly scared.

"That's for me to know, and you to wish to never find out," He whispers dangerously low near my ear.


I wish I never followed that stupid yellow brick rode and saw what I saw. (Well it's not really a yellow brick rode, but still. It was yellow and a pathway, so that's what we're going to call it.)

*Earlier that day*

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Little feet start moving up and down causing little jumps on my bed. "Five more minuets," I say turning on my other side.

"Wake up already! Daddy's making pancakes," he says cutely and falls on me. I pop up and look at his cute little face. His curls fall over his brown eyes and he's still in his pajamas.

"Ok little man, you got me. I want some pancakes," I say running my hand through his hair. He smiles at me and gives me a mischievous look. "What?," I ask curiously.

"Daddy didn't make pancakes. He went to school a long time ago," he giggles. I squeeze his cheeks and kiss him all over. "Stop! Stop! Please!" He begs and whines. Aiden hates kisses because he says he's a big boy now. He's only four.

"You tricked me," I say.

"I'm sorry," he says pouting. "Daddy put me back into bed and told me, to wake you up when I was hungry."

"I'm sorry buddy, I'll go make you some food and then I'm going to take you to day care."

He hops off my bed and sprints out of the room. I roll over and check my phone. It's only 8:15. Brandon has to be at school by 8:30 so he probably left about 15 minutes ago.

I get out of bed and wattle into the kitchen. "How about I make French toast today?," I say turning on the tv, to keep him entertained while I cook. "Yes, Auntie Nessa!" He sits on the couch staring at sponge-bob.

Aiden is my nephew. My brother Brandon got a girl pregnant at 14 and she had Aiden. She completely abandoned him though. I think her name was Scarlet. At the time I was about to move out to start college. My parents (adoptive parents) were getting old and the couldn't Manage another little one running around so I told him that he and Aiden could live with me.

My brother and I are biological siblings. We share the same mother and father. Our mom is Korean and our father is Russian.  We were adopted when I was 13 and Brandon was 9. It was a really, stressful point in my life. I grew up speaking Korean and having to only speak English was a struggle. I knew English and it was my 2nd language but I didn't feel comfortable speaking it.

Our adoptive parents also renamed us. My birth name was Hee-Young and my brother's birth name was Kyubin. Although our middle names are now our birth names.
My full name is Vanessa Hee-Young King. My brother's is Brandon Kyubin king.

I continue mixing the wet stuff into a bowl until it is completely combined. I dunk the thick bread into it and then place it on the stove. I cooks fast and I'm flipping toast like a boss. After it's all cooked I cut up Adrain's and put it on his plate.

"Come eat kid!" He hops up and wattles over to the table. "감사합니다,"
(gamsahabnida) he screams. (Translation: Thank you)

"Your welcome." I stuff my face with the food and watch Aiden. He submerges his whole French toast in Syrup. "That's Enough buddy," I say stopping him from ruining the delicious food.

He nods and reluctantly put the syrup down.

"Ok how about this, after daycare today, me and you go get some frozen yogurt," he cuts me off with a loud 'yes!' "I didn't finish, you and I will go get frozen yogurt if your a good boy for your teachers." He smiles at me and hops off the chair. "Wait, kid where are you going?"

"To get my clothes on, so we can get their soon!" He runs to his room that is upstairs next to mine. Brandon chose the one downstairs.

I continue eating my breakfast and scroll through my phone and read some of the articles surrounding where we live. In big bold letters said,

'Local multimillionaire Seth Cancino bought stocks with one of the richest companies in the world and is now partnering with Danico Science corporation, making him now a billionaire.'

Wow.... that's a lot to accomplish. I heard someone say he's only 25 and took over his fathers company when he was only 23.
He sure has ... a lot going for him.

Well I certainly feel unaccomplished now. I put our plates into the sink and wash them off. I then go upstairs to find my clothes. I put on black jeans and a nice sweater. I look like a mom.

"You ready?" I peer into his room and find him struggling with his shoes. I sigh watching him struggle with the laces. "I told your dad not to get the shoes with laces, but you know what he did, he bought the damn shoes with laces," I murmur to myself, making sure he didn't hear my curse word.

"Put on the other shoes, baby." He put on the outfit I had picked out for him last night and he looked so cute.

I walk downstairs again and put on my shoes. I grab my purse and his backpack, and wait for him. I put in his lunch and blanket.

"I'm ready," He says coming down the stairs. I grab my keys and then grab his hand and lead him out of the house. Our car is in the parking garage where all the other residents cars are. I lock the door and close the gate and pick up Aiden, setting him on my hip. We walk across the street and go into the garage. I place him on the floor and we walk to the reserved spot where our car is. I open the door and put him in his car seat and buckle him in. I close the door and then get into the drivers seat.

We leave the building and I start driving to his daycare. After our quick goodbyes I head off to work.

Let hell begin.
I mean work.....

*Present time*

"You know curiosity always kills the cat," He says looking down at me.

"Yeah, But doesn't each cat have nine lives?" I bite my lip.

"Your right, so tell me this. How many lives do you have left?" He keeps stepping closer to me, while I continue backing away.
I hit the wall and now he's only a few inches away from me.

"Unfortunately, I don't have any left." I look down at my feet, scared of what he's going to do next.

"I'll give you one last shot then.

Marry me."

My stomach drops to the floor and I stare blankly at him. "Can you repeat that!,"

What? He can't be serious, can he?

He looks damn serious, and damn good too.

Dammit! Snap of it!

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