Chapter 13

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Tip toeing to his office I gracefully open the door to find a sleeping Aiden. As for Seth he's no wear to be found.

I let Aiden sleep peacefully and leave the room. "Please keep an eye on him for me, for a second please." I ask the guard he nods curtly. "Where did Seth go... or I mean Mr. Cancino." All the guards call him Mr.Cancino or Boss. He turns his head in the direction Seth went.

I remember a week of being here Seth told me never to go down there after finding me wandering around.

"Why can't I go there?," I ask. He shoots me a look that almost made me want to piss my pants. "You can never go down there, and don't ask silly fucking questions. If I say you can't, then you fucking can't!" He says his voice now raised.

I flinched under his harsh words and nod my head. "Ok, I'm sorry!," I say apologizing. This is one of the first times I'm actually afraid of him. God he looks so terrifying and hot.

He walks past me and angrily walks away somewhere upstairs. I wonder what's so bad back there. This whole scene just reminded me of beauty and the beast, oh my god that was so damn cool.

But I have to keep reminding myself that this isn't a love story. I was kidnaped by a crazy, rich guy.

I hesitated before I picked up my feet and shuffled to the door at the end of the hallway I'm not allowed to go into. I let out a breath before I walk into the room.

The walls painted a pretty baby blue color and kiddy toys and decorations all around the room. I look over and find Seth looking down at a crib.

My heart beats starts to beat faster as I watch him turn to face me. His eyes flash with anger. His eyes glistened as if he had shed a couple of tears.

"What are you doing in here Vanessa!?," he screams but his voice breaks at the end. "I'm sorry. I was looking for you and I'm glad I found you. Are you ok?," I ask. I take small steps towards him. I value my life and I don't want to die.

"I'm not in the mood for this shit... get out," he says deadly low. He always shuts me out in times like this.
"Seth please talk to me," I say my voice comes out broken.

"Just get out!," he yells making chills come over my body. My blood started to boil and I started to get choked up; which is a first. "No! I won't let you shut me out anymore. When there's something bothering you, you get angry and lock yourself away. I can't let you do that anymore!," I say my voice now matching his tone.

A single tear sheds down my face. He looks up from the ground and stares into my eyes. "Please don't cry," he says.

I shake my head and wipe the tears away. "Then talk to me, please." He comes close to my body and places his hand on my cheek, wiping away the tears.

"My nephew. This was his room. My sister got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy all though She died giving birth. I promised to her I would take care of her baby boy for her. She wanted to name him Henry, and I named him that for her," he pauses to catch his breath.

"He lived for only 2 years. I wasn't watching him one day. I was young, naive, and stupid. I was only 18, I didn't have as much experience as I do now. At the time my father was mainly in charge, I barely had any say. I went out with him, my fathers enemies got to him first and killed my innocent, Henry." He says barely above a whisper.

I can't catch my breath. Is Aiden safe here?

I can't imagine losing a child. It wasn't his kid but he cared for him like of it was he own. I paced my hand on his cheek and the traced my finger across his perfect jawline making him meet my eyes. I closed any space we had in between our bodies and looking home the eyes.
"I can't say I know how it feels, but I know it gets better. It takes time to heal, and now you have me. So you won't be healing alone."

He wipe my tears and I melt in his hands. I move closer to his lips standing on my tippy toes and I reach up to meet his soft pink lips. Our lips touch and sweet sparks fly.

Me move synchronized with each other. I feel his tongue fight mine for dominance I let him win. He attacked my lips lovingly and slow. This is different from that time in my bedroom where he sucked the daylight out of my skin. Those neck kisses were sloppy now there much more passionate and caring.

I pull apart from him and stare into his big eyes. His arms wrapped around my waist as he looks down at me. "You don't have to go through anything alone now."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This chapter was really hard for me to write.

I've never kissed anyone and it was kinda hard to describe it. Soooooo I hope that wasn't to bad.

Anyway make sure to like, share, comment, and follow for more announcements for this book!!!

Until then happy readings.

((P.S. happy Valentine's Day))

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