Chapter 2

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Seth Cancino (above)

"I'm sorry but I'm confused," I whisper lowly. "Why do you need me to marry you? Who are you," I finally say. All though he looks very familiar.
"I'll answer all your questions about whatever if you agree, if you don't you die," he says coldly.

Well at least he didn't force me to marry him.

"Your right, I usually don't give choices." He eyes me oddly, and stares at my eyes. "Did I seriously just say that out loud?" I smack my forehead and then start to rub my temples.

"I'm sure you could have anyone you want, Why me?" I say baffled.

"Your the one who's life is on the line, I wouldn't ask so many questions."
How can I get out of this?
How can I make him let me go?

I don't think I can. I saw what happened in the woods and I can't let that person be me or my family.

"Ok." I breath out.

"Great answer," He says before walking out of the room. Once he's out of the room I release a breath I had been holding in.

I wonder around the room and look at the weird thrown thing. It has red splotches all over it.

My eyes start to well up with tears. The tears now bluring my vision.

What have I gotten  myself into.

**flashback Before she got kidnapped**

"What size do you want?," Daniel asks me. "I don't know, I want the biggest one," I say leaning back in the chair.

"What flavor?," he asks. "Surprise me," I say sinking back into the chair.

I'm sitting in the local dinner. I had a stressful day of work and I needed a sundae of some sort, kinda like the good old days. I also promised Aiden frozen yogurt, so wish my stomach the best of luck. I got off work early today and a little bit later I have to pick up Aiden.

"Here you go, your food will be out soon," Daniel says placing down a giant pile of ice cream down. "What flavor is this?"
The yellow ice cream looks amazing. It's a new flavor I've never tried. "It's pineapple," he says looking at the ice cream.

I taste the ice cream, and the most delicious flavor filled my mouth and tastebuds. "Oh my God," i say shoving more into my face. "I guess that means it's good," Daniel chuckles at me.

I nod, and start eating more. Soon after my food is brought out. I devour my food and sit in the both a little longer then intended.

I should go to the park, I need to walk off this food.

I get up and pay at the counter, I leave the building and walk across the street until I reach the park.

I walk around the large area. Little kids with their parents, dogs, teens, everyone is scattered around doing stuff.

My phone rings and I pull it out of my pocket.
"Hello?" I say.

"Hey, today was actually a half day, I guess I forgot to tell you. I'm going to pick up Aiden," my brother says. There's a lot of background noise and shuffling around but I can still hear him.

"Ok, take him to go get frozen yogurt I promised him. When I get home let's go out for dinner, how does that sound?," I ask walking into the forest part of the park.

"Yeah, that sounds great!" He doesn't like my cooking and every time I do cook he doesn't eat. I think I am an excellent cook but that's his choice. "Ok, see you later." He mumbles an 'ok' and ends the call.

I sit on the park bench and watch nature happen. The wind was blowing lightly, the tree's leaves were rustling around. It was perfect.

After 30 minutes of sitting down on the park bench I decided to walk around some more.

I walk into the wood area of the forest part. The path breaks off into to different directions. On the left there's a big sign stopping people from walking and on the right the path is clear.

A yellow long ribbon is attached to the small barrier. I look down the left path and the ribbon goes on forever... or what seems to be forever.

Why is this part of the path blocked off. Most of the time it's nothing serious. Mostly teens spray painting the path. I ignore the barrier and walk on the left path. I don't pay much attention to the ribbon, it's cool I guess but what the hell is it connected it.

After a while of walking the ribbon then switches directions and goes into the woods where the pavement isn't, it's tied around a tree. I look in the direction the ribbon continues to go in.

Should I follow it and tell Aiden a spooky story when I get home?. Or should I just keep walking and leave.

I'm going to be adventurous and follow that ribbon. I walk off the sidewalk and into the woods. The ribbon leads far into the woods.

After about 20 minutes of following the ribbon I thought I'd just turn around and head home, I can make up the rest of the story for Aiden as I walk back.

I look again towards the direction the ribbon leads and I spot a shed. My plan of leaving slips my head as I walk towards the shed. I should really not do this. In almost every movie like this the main character ends up getting killed or kidnapped, or something.

But this isn't a movie, it's real life and this shed probably holds garden tools and park stuff.

I walk to the door and it's a slight crack. It's dark in there and there isn't any tools. "Where's the money James?" A deep voice says loud enough for me to hear it. "I'm sorry, please give me one more week!" The other man 'James' I presume pleas.
"He's given you more than enough time!," the man shouts causing me to jump.

I watch more wanting to turn away and run but I stay stuck still. The man pulls out a long stick, it's hot. One of those really hot sticks, you know what I'm talking about, right? Anyway he presses it in the man, James' skin.

James howls in pain and screams. I finally do turn and I was about to run when I'm stopped by a hard chest.

"Where do you think your going kitten?," A big bulky guy says making me jump. "I'm sorry, I was just leaving." I say trying to get out of this situation. Oh crap I should've followed my instinct and never came down this stupid path.

"Your not going anywhere," he says pulling out something. He hits me hard in my head, and knocked me out.


Well damn, I was the classic white bitch in horror movies that follows straight to the sketchy place. (No offense to white bitches in horror movies)

Well, I don't know how it could get any worse.

*Present time*

"Can you please tell me your name?" I say watching him carefully. We walks around the room to a desk in the corner.

He picks up files and then looks back at me. "Seth Cancino," He says nonchalantly.


Sweet BastardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora