Chapter 26

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The night before the wedding/ the day of the wedding.

I laid beside Seth. He was asleep peacefully. I couldn't fall asleep.

This was the last day I'd be a King. I touched his face. I placed my hand on the side of his face. I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his chest. He wiggled around and his hands found a place perfectly on my back.


"Are you alright?," Yasmine asked as she looked at me. I nod my head and wipe the tears away from my face.

"Yes. I just can't believe this is happening," I was shocked to say the least. The dress looked so beautiful on my body.

Its an off the shoulder dress. It was more of a pinkish nude color with flower detailing.

My mom wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek.

My father soon entered the room and with one glance at me he burst into tears. I was trying my hardest not to cry. I couldn't mess up the makeup that took hours to do.

"You look beautiful," he said while giving me a hug. I smiled and fanned my face to dry the tears that spilled.

"Are you ready?," he asked holding my hand. I nodded and we walked in front of the front entrance of the church. The bridesmaids walked in the church and we waited until we got to all clear to enter.

Our steps were slow. I looked around the room and was met with a lot of faces that were unfamiliar. But the ones that were familiar sat closer towards the front. I saw Jonah and Holly. Holly's face blank and Jonah with an offset smile.

I looked up and saw him.

In a simple black tux. He had a smile plastered on his face. That made my heart melt even more. Once we got in front of them my father gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek then he went to sit beside my mother.

Seth grabbed my hands and started into my eyes. I bit my lip as my heart rate increased.

"We are gathered here today to see the joining of Vanessa King and Seth Cancino as one." The priest starts.

"The rings," he continues. I turn to Yasmine who was holding the ring for me. I held it in my hand and watched Seth as he has the ring in his hand as well.

"Vanessa your vows please," He then says.

" I, Vanessa King, take you Seth Cancino to be mine. To have for life and love for life. I'll be here when your sick, when your sad, and when you hurting. I promise to love you from this day forward and I promise to only love you," I say smiling at the end. I slid the ring on his finger and he looks up at me. As soon as the vow is out of my mouth an unpleasant feeling takes over.

"Seth, your vows please."

He takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes. "I, Seth Cancino, I promise you Vanessa King, to love you without condition, to honor you each and everyday. I'll be there for you when your stressed, and I'll be there to make you laugh when your down. I promise to love you and only you for as long as I shall live. I will keep you safe even it's the last thing I do on this earth," He says.

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