Chapter 17

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"Wow! It's great to see my children together." Seth's father says coming into the house.

What the duce?!? (And no that was not a typo) His father looks like he's in his late 40's. What the hell is his secret. "Dad this is my lovely fiancée Vanessa." I jump slightly because I was zoned out. I register what just happened and then look at his father.

"Hello Mr. Cancino. I'm Vanessa king." I put my hand out for him to shake. He hesitates slightly and then reluctantly shakes it. "My son's taste in women have surely changed for the better. He dated a lots of troie."

I don't know if that was a complement or an insult. I just nod. Looking up to Seth his face has a slight pink tint to it. "Good choice in a bitch, the way she looks at you is priceless."

The fuck did this bitch say to me. Before I could get a word in Natalie Interjects. "Can we please get to dinner." Through our this whole situation Seth is quite and motionless. He didn't say anything to his father.

I follow Natalie to the dining room and sit next to Seth and Brett. I make sure to sit in the right spot. "So Seth tell me, how did you find this one? At one of those strip clubs?"

My jaw now clenched and my fist in balls. I watch the maid as she pours us glasses of wine. I take a big swig of it and stare at my plate.

"I'm serious, Seth. If things don't work out with you two send her to me."

That was enough! I've reached my limit. I reached under the table and pull the pistol from it's spot in several swift movements. Now standing I point it directly at the man in front of me.


"Vanessa! Come on!" Seth calls. I walk over to him and find him in the kitchen. "What do you want now?," I ask annoyed. He sends me a glare but then turns his attention to a pistol sitting on the counter. "Why do you have a gun? Are you gonna kill me?"

He grins but shakes his head. "You need to know where these are. In case of an emergency. I have pistols and guns sprinkled all around the house. You need to know where every one of them is."

What type of shit is this? I nod my head and follow him into the dining room. "Reach under the table." He points to the seat directly in the middle. I hesitate for a moment but reluctantly walk over to the spot and feel around under the table. I touch until my hand comes in contact with a cold object. I pull on it and it soon unlatched from whatever it was on and is now in my hand.

"Why do you have this?" I almost wanted to laugh but I didn't. "If I'm not around and there's someone here trying to harm you, you need to know where the nearest weapon is."

"Vanessa put the gun down." Brett says trying to defuse the situation. "No. I'm sorry but this man has insulted me several times and I'm done with his disrespectful shit. I don't care who you are. You don't talk to me like that," this new sense of confidence washes over me. I know I said I never wanted to take a persons life... but right now, I see pure red.

A grin now gets plastered across Mr. Cancino's face and he slowly claps his hands. "I like you. You passed the test."

I put the gun down and look confused at him. "The test? What is going on?"
Man, and I thought my family dinners are awkward.

"I wanted to see what you'd do dealing with my merda," he says a thick accent present. "I'm sorry sweetie, but I see your very feisty. I bet Seth here has his hands full. And Call me Matteo."

I laugh awkwardly and sit back down. What a weird way of breaking the ice. I put the gun back in its place and sip my wine.

Dinner went really well. After Matteo's weird way of breaking the ice, it became a much different environment.
It was nice.

"I will see you all at the wedding. I have to go do some more work in Sicily. I'll be back again."

He exits the house and leaves us. "That went well," I say. "Except the part when you pulled a gun out," Brett says.

"Yeah yeah... whatever." We sit in the kitchen sipping wine. They each tell me about Seth and what to expect.

The door handle starts to move and it causes us to freeze and turn our attention to it. Brandon walks through the door. I rush over to him and wrap my hand around him in a hug. "Oh my god. Are you ok? What the hell happened? Why'd you disappear like that? I should have known something was up you were acting all weird by the pool that da-" I stop rambling and turn my attention to the figure behind him.

"Scarlet? What? I-I." I feel my chest constricting and I feel my heart pick up speed.

Her hair falls in front of her face and she stares at me, looking guilty. "Vanessa, I have a lot of explaining to do," Brandon speaks up.

I'm sorry for any mistakes or errors. Thank you so much for reading.

Until then happy readings!!!

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