11| God's Gonna Trouble the Water

Start from the beginning

I feel a wave of determination take over "I'm gonna keep Hope safe, whatever it takes" I tell her giving her one last hug but heading back to Hope and I's room.

Hope and Faith's Room

I saw Freya sitting next to the door and gave her a slight nod before heading into our room and saw Hope picking out some clothes "hey" I say causing Hope to whip around and launch into my arms.

"I heard you scream but Freya told me you would need a minute" Hope told me and I nodded "she was right but now I'm here for you Hope and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep you safe ok" I tell her and she nods holding onto me tightly.

"Just don't leave me" she whispers "never in a million years" I whispered back holding on tightly wincing slightly from the injury-causing Hope to step back.

"What's wrong?" she asked and I sighed not wanting to lie to her so I lifted up my shirt showing her the stab wound "what happened?" she asked and I sighed again.

"After Greta knocked you out she stabbed me with a wooden stake to keep me fore hurting her or Roman" I told her and I could see her eyes clouded with anger.

I placed a hand on her cheek "hey I'm ok, it's healing up nicely actually considering there was a hole in my stomach" I told her and she nodded hugging me again "I just don't want you to get hurt again" she told me and I smiled.

"We got each other's backs but we gotta get ready to head to New Orleans for Hayley's funeral" I tell her and she nods as we get ready.

French Quater

Freya, Hope and I were in New Orleans now for Hayley'd funeral and it was more so a celebration which was weird but it was how it was done here I guess.

"Where's Dad?" Hope asked and I did notice the severe lack of close family members "he'll be here soon, he's just waiting on Ivy to help him with the astral projection" Freya explained.

"Everyone else?" Hope further asked "Marcel should be here, Vincent, there's Josh" Freya said pointed Josh out as he waved at us and we waved back.

"What about Declan? please tell me someone told Declan" Hope said and it was quite obvious with everything going on it was a bit hectic "he's in Ireland I-I was so focused on everyone else..." Freya said but Hope wasn't happy.

"Oh, my God, Freya" Hope said and I grabbed Hope's hand calming her down slightly "I'll fix it" Freya reassured as we started to walk down the path.

After walking for sometime Hope started to freak out a little "this is all wrong, she didn't even know all these people" Hope said "your mom made a mark on this city everyone's here to honour her" Freya explained to Hope.

"But where are all of her friends?" Hope asked and Freya's phone started to ring and she pulled herself aside "this is all wrong" Hope said "hey Hope it's gonna be ok" I said and just as I did two black vans pulled up on either side of us.

"Hope, Faith we've got to get out of here" Freya told us and while I agreed I knew Hope didn't "no" Hope said determined "Hope" Freya warned "I said no, this already sucks enough look, I'm not gonna let them ruin it more" Hope said pushing Freya to the side.

Just before she continued to walk I grabbed her arms "Hope are you sure" I asked her not wanting her to get hurt "it's my turn to protect us Faith" she told me before looking forward.

"Bruciare supe terram, faciendo ignis ga praemium" Hope started to chant blowing up the car "Hope!" Freya yelled and I noticed on the other car a crossbow pointed right at Hope "Bruciare supe terram, faciendo ..." Hope started while I looked at Josh "Josh!, get us out of here" I yelled and he grabbed up right before we got shot.

The Abattoir

Hope and I were back in Hope's room and Klaus finally popped up even though Hope and I knew it wasn't him "Hope" Klaus said and Hope rolled her eyes "go away" she told him.

"There's no magic that can fix this" Klaus told her as she looked through many books "I said leave" Hope grounded out "please don't push me away" Klaus begged and I could see the pain in his eyes.

"You deserted me, you left me all by myself when you promised me that you would be there" Hope said getting mad at Klaus "I wanted to be there, I only just found out how dangerous this is, I could kill you" Klaus begged Hope to realise.

"Then let me die! my mom is dead she's dead and it's my fault and I need more than some half version of you I can't do this Dad, I can't do this anymore I can't live like this I don't want to live like this anymore" Hope yelled making me tear up in pain.

"Please don't say that" Klaus begged as Hope started to cry "you need to go, just go" Hope said and flashed Klaus away and I grabbed Hope as she cried.


Once we made it to  the bayou I let Freya and Hope talk as I helped a few wolfs set up for the funeral and I noticed Keelin in the crowd and ran over to her.

"Freya needs to see you right now" I tell her greeting her with a hug "lead the way" she told me and I grabbed her hand and lead to Freya and Hope turned around and smiled "Freya" Hope said.

Freya turned around seeing Keelin and they went into each others embrace as I went up to Hope "as lease there is some happiness today" I said to Hope and she nodded grabbing my hand.

"People will forget the things you said, forget the things you did, but no one ever forgets the way you made them feel Hayley Marshall... made me feel like I was part of a family and when the realities of this life became too much to bear, we shouldered them together, we laughed, we cried when I failed, she lifted me up and when I succeeded, she danced by my side and she did that for all of us, no one will ever be able to replace her or heal the pain we feel at her loss but we can honour her with our actions and with our words... we can love each other the way she would've wanted us to love" Freya said and I teared up a little as I held Hope's hand.

"Good-bye, Mom" Hope said and Klaus appeared again but this time it was really him and he came up to Hope and grabbed her hand "what are you doing? you can't be here" Hope told him but he shook his head.

"Yes, I can, just for a moment our family has infinite struggles ahead, but right now, I need to be here with my daughter" Klaus told Hope and I smiled.

"Let's pack it in, everyone, take shelter" Listina said and everyone followed allowing Klaus and Hope to have there moment before the storm started.

I placed a kiss on Hope's cheeks "I love you" I tell her and she nods "I love you too" Hope tells me and I quickly hug Klaus before letting them have there talk.

Lord knows what'll happen next

Author's Note

So episode 7 done!!!!

I managed to fit it all into one chapter and I can't wait because there are only 5 more episodes because I will be skipping episode 8 due to the fact that Hope isn't in it!!!

My hope is to get straight to writing up episode 9 now so I should have it out in a few hours hopefully!!!

In other news, I finally have access to Legacies season 2!!! 

After watching the first episode, oh boy do I have some plans for season 2 but let's get these last 5 episodes done first!!!

So what did you guys think? 

I really hope you enjoyed it!!!

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