Chapter 53- Closure

Start from the beginning

A half an hour later, Danny came downstairs holding Saraiyah and sat her at the table.

I felt Danny's arms snake around me as I poured the batter into the sizzling pan.

"You look so sexy when you cook, babe." He said, kissing my neck; making me smile from ear to ear and blush.

Danny and I have been in such a good place lately, and I honestly couldn't be happier.

"Can you set out the plates for me?" I asked him.

He nodded, giving me one last kiss on my cheek and headed towards the cabinet and opened it, taking out three plates for us.

I placed the hot pancakes on the serving plate and brought it over to the table along with syrup.

I placed a few pancakes on Danny's plate and then Saraiyah's plate, cutting her pancakes into little squares so it was easier for her to eat.

"Tank yewww." She said, and she picked up her fork which was huge in her little hand, making me chuckle.

"You're welcome sweetie." I told her.

"Can you cut mines too?" Danny asked, making me burst into laughter.

"For you to have all those tattoos on your face, you sure are a big baby." I laughed, reaching over and cutting his pancakes also.

"I'm ya big baby though." He smiled, and peaked my lips.

"Eww!" Saraiyah reacted to the kiss as she chewed her food, and we laughed.

After we ate, we sat in my living room while Sariyah played with her new toys that were scattered around the floor.

I laid on Danny's chest, I played with the tip of his multicolored braid as he scrolled through his Instagram feed.

"There's this fan of yours goin viral." Danny told me. "She re-did one of ya songs. 'Queen Bitch' I think, but she switched around some words."

"Who?" I asked him.

"He shrugged his shoulders, Iono but I keep seeing the video. Not gonna lie, she kinda fire though." He said. "I'm sure people tagging you in the video, check ya IG."

I picked up my phone, and opened IG. Sure enough, I was tagged multiple times.

I clicked on it to take a listen.

"She sound fire." Danny asked, looking at my phone; and I agreed, she killed it. Now I was intrigued and wanted to hear some of her own music.

I scrolled down her IG profile, searching for more content. I found pictures of myself in her feed, praising me as the best female rapper which made me smile.

I finally came across more of her videos. In the caption she mentioned she produced her own beats too.

I was amazed, everything was on point, from her flow to her lyrics, even the beat that she created. There was no doubt that this girl was incredibly talented. This was pure raw talent and I wanted to work with her more than anything. Not to mention, she was really pretty too. She had talent and looks.

"I'm gonna fly her out." I said.

"Woah, you don't even know shorty." Danny chuckled. "You sure?"

"I wanna work with her." I told him. "She's talented as fuck. Do you hear her? If she's already a huge fan of mine I'm sure she'll be down."

Danny smiled at me, but didn't say anything.

"What?" I asked.

" just different." He said.

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