Chapter 14

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The main thought that was going through Alex's head was that paperwork was boring, Dave had called her into his office at nine it was now two in the afternoon. It had started off as just signing the papers the council had sent over to confirm that she would be undergoing Alpha training, but Alex had asked Dave if he needed help with any of his paperwork. So here she was a few hours and five cups of coffee later, looking up from the transfer request she was working on she had noticed that Dave had fallen asleep in his chair she just chuckled before she was cut off by the rumbling of her stomach.

Making her way to the kitchen the Luna was sat at the table reading a book," Hey Ash, do you know what Dave has on his sandwiches?" putting her book down she made her way to the fridge.

"Here" she handed Alex a plate of sandwiches, the Luna proceeded to get out two mugs and fill them with coffee. They both walked back to the office Alex set down the sandwiches next to Dave causing him to wake up from his power nap.

"Sorry, Alex did I fall asleep?" She just nodded and took the mug of coffee off Ash, Alex soon got back to work on the transfer request, she was about to fill it in when she noticed the name of a previous pack was. Staring at her in bold letters Blue Luna pack her whole body went rigid she looked over the file once more trying to find the name, Elijah Thorne. It couldn't be, the memories of her childhood best friend littered her mind. Putting aside her feelings she filled in the necessary information before handing it to Dave to sign.

"I think I'm going to go take a nap all this paperwork is giving me a headache" she got up and walked out of the office going straight to her room and locked it not wanting to be disturbed.

Tears started to fill her eyes at the thought of her best friend being alive, thoughts littered her mind each one causing a different emotion. Then the grief hit her full force causing her to break even further. Sobs were the only thing that could be heard in her room, suddenly the sound of glass shattering snapped Alex out of her grief-ridden state. Looking up towards the noise, there was glass scattered all over her bathroom floor. She looked for the source of the glass to find her mirror smashed, panic flooded her and her breathing became more erratic. The doors and windows in her room rattled the force causing cracks to form in the windows, eventually, the sheer force of the rattling caused the windows to implode and glass flew onto the room's floor. Her bedroom door flung open next thing she knew she was in Alec's arms.

"Hey, calm down, everything is alright" his voice slowed her breathing and the panic left her body, looking around the room she wondered if she'd made the glass shatter. "What happened?" Alec held her head between his hands looking directly at her.

"I was working with your dad on some paperwork, I came upstairs and then this..." she said looking as the room with worry evident in her eyes. Questions littered her mind if it had been her how she had done it. Many ideas came and went but one stuck out but was implausible.

"Why don't we go to my room and take a nap I'll get someone to come to clean this up okay?" she nodded letting him direct her to his room, once in the room Alec placed her on the bed, he noticed she was paler, distracted she had slipped into her head again. Deciding against disturbing her, he walked to his father's office, "hey, dad why is Alex stuck in her own head?" his head snapped up from the paperwork he was completing.

"What do you mean?" Dave's eyebrows furrowed concern written on his face.

"she currently sat on my bed staring into space, she said she was helping you what was the last thing she worked on?" Dave moved papers from his completed pile and stopped once he found the pertinent file, he looked over the file paling when he spotted something.

"I think I know why she's seen a ghost," he said as he turned the file around and pointed to information that he was on about, Alec was confused and shrugged.

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